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"Weitzenbock formulas for Riemannian foliations", Diff. Geom. App., 27 (2009), 362-367
"Spectral sequences and taut Riemannian foliations", Ann. Glob. Anal. Geom., 32 (2007), 87-101
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"On gauge transformations in the relative tangent spaces and nonlinear gauge connection", St. si Cerc. St., Univ. din Bacau, 10 (2000), 223-232, with L. Popescu, F. Munteanu and C. Sterbeti
"The gauge invariance in relative tangent spaces", Ann. Univ. Craiova, Math. Comp. Sci. Ser., 25 (1998), 68-80.
"On a Weitzenbock-like formula for Riemannian foliations", Proceedings of ICDG 2008, World Scientific, Singapore, 2009, 94-101
"Differential operators defined on Riemannian foliations", Contemp. Geom. and Topol., Cluj University Press, 2008, 243-250
"Vanishing results for spectral terms of a Riemannian foliations", Proceedings of Foliations 2005, World Scientific, Singapore, 2006, 389-398
"Bochner technique and adiabatic limits for Riemannian foliations", Rec. Adv. in Geom. and Topol., Cluj University Press, 2004, 367-376