8th Workshop on Control of Distributed Parameter Systems
July 1st-5th 2013, Craiova, Romania


  • The Poster Session will take place in the main hall of the University on Thursday, July 4th, 2013 between 17:30 and 19:00.

    Authors must be present at their poster station during the scheduled poster session and prepared for individualised, informal discussion with participants. Attendees will have the opportunity to read the posters and speak with the presenters about their work.

    Posters should be set up in the main hall of the University in the morning of July 4th.

    The conference will provide a poster board and whatever material is required to secure items to the boards. Each presenter will be assigned to a specific board for their presentation. The maximum space for each poster is 120cm tall by 90cm wide (oriented vertically). Presenters must prepare all materials in advance and bring all illustrations needed including figures, tables, colour photographs, and/or charts. The material should be well labelled and legible from a distance of 1-1.5 metres.

  • Oral Poster presentation. The accepted posters will receive an opportunity to complete a short oral presentation (approximately 5 minutes) during the conference in addition to their poster being displayed during the poster sessions. Additional details on this oral poster presentation will be available in the final schedule of the conference.

List of the Admitted Poster Proposals for CDPS 2013

We look forward to seeing you in Craiova!