Vicentiu Radulescu
Theses, Books and Papers


  1. Local and Nonlocal Problems in Nonlinear Analysis, Habilitation, AGH University of Krakow, 9 March 2023 (pdf).
  2. Analyse de quelques problèmes aux limites elliptiques non linéaires, Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), 25 février 2003 (zip).
  3. Analyse de quelques problèmes liés à l'équation de Ginzburg-Landau, Thèse de doctorat, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), 29 juin 1995 (zip).
  4. Methods of Operator Theory in Nonlinear Analysis, Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Craiova, 17 December 1993 (zip).


  1. (with N.S. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Nonlinear Analysis - Applications, Springer Monographs in Mathematics, 2024.
  2. (with N.S. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Nonlinear Analysis - Theory and Methods, Springer Monographs in Mathematics, Springer, Cham, 577 pp., 2019 (flyer) (book).
  3. (with G. Kassay) Equilibrium Problems and Applications, Academic Press, Elsevier, Oxford, 2018 (book).
  4. (with A. Sequeira and V. Solonnikov) Recent Advances in Partial Differential Equations and Applications, Contemporary Mathematics, American Mathematical Society, Vol. 666, 404 pp., 2016.
  5. (with G. Molica Bisci and R. Servadei) Variational Methods for Nonlocal Fractional Problems, Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, Vol. 162, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 400 pp., 2016 (cover).
  6. (with D. Repovs) Partial Differential Equations with Variable Exponents: Variational Methods and Qualitative Analysis, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton FL, 320 pp., 2015 (cover).
  7. (P. Pucci, V. Radulescu, H. Weinberger, Editors) James Serrin. Selected Papers, 2 volumes, 1718 pages, Contemporary Mathematicians, Birkh user, Basel, 2014 (cover).
  8. (with J. Serrin and E. Mitidieri, Editors) Recent Trends in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations I: Evolution Problems, Contemporary Mathematics, vol. 594, American Mathematical Society, 307 pp., 2013 (cover) (link to AMS).
  9. (with J. Serrin and E. Mitidieri, Editors) Recent Trends in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations II: Stationary Problems, Contemporary Mathematics, vol. 595, American Mathematical Society, 340 pp., 2013 (cover) (link to AMS).
  10. (with M. Ghergu) Nonlinear PDEs: Mathematical Models in Biology, Chemistry and Population Genetics, Springer Monographs in Mathematics, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, xviii+392 pp., 2012 (cover) (book).
  11. (with A. Krist ly and C. Varga) Variational Principles in Mathematical Physics, Geometry, and Economics: Qualitative Analysis of Nonlinear Equations and Unilateral Problems, Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, No. 136, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 384 pp., 2010 (link to Amazon).
  12. (with T.-L. Radulescu and T. Andreescu) Problems in Real Analysis: Advanced Calculus on the Real Axis, Springer, New York, xx+452 pp., 2009 (cover) (book).
  13. (C. Niculescu, V. Radulescu, Editors) Mathematical Analysis and Applications: International Conference on Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Craiova (Romania), 23-24 September 2005, AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 835, American Institute of Physics, 176 pp., 2006 (see the Springer site).
  14. (with D. Motreanu) Variational and Nonvariational Methods in Nonlinear Analysis and Boundary Value Problems, Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applications, Vol. 67, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 388 pp., 2003.
  15. Partial Differential Equations, Craiova University Press, 1999 (pdf).
  16. Treatment Methods of the Elliptic Problems, Craiova University Press, 1998 (pdf).

Editor of Special Issues

  1. Guest Editor (with Steven Krantz) of the Special Issue Perspectives of Geometric Analysis in PDEs, Journal of Geometric Analysis, vol. 30, no. 2, 2020.
  2. Guest Editor (with Dusan Repovs) of the Special Issue Elliptic Equations and their Synergies, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, vol. 65, no. 7, 2020.
  3. Guest Editor (with Patrizia Pucci) of the Special Issue Progress in Nonlinear Kirchhoff Problems, Nonlinear Analysis, vol. 186, pp. 1-258, September 2019.
  4. Guest Editor of the Special Issue Singular and Degenerate Phenomena in Nonlinear Analysis, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, vol. 119, pages 1-500, June 2015.
  5. Guest Editor (with Giuseppe Da Prato, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa) of the Special Issue Stochastic PDEs in Fluid Dynamics, Particle Physics and Statistical Mechanics, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol. 384, No. 1, 172 pp., 2011.
  6. Guest Editor (with Alexander Pankov, Robert P. Gilbert, and Stanislav Antontsev) of the Special Issue Sobolev Spaces with Variable Exponent and Related Elliptic Problems: Theory and Applications, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, vol. 56, No. 7-9, 308 pp., 2011.
  7. Guest Editor (with Claudianor Alves) of the Special Issue Degenerate and Singular Differential Operators with Applications to Boundary Value Problems, Boundary Value Problems, Volume 2010 (2010).
  8. Guest Editor of the Special Issue Degenerate and Singular Partial Differential Equations and Phenomena, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol. 352, No. 1, 572 pp., 2009 (foreword).
  9. Guest Editor (with Herv Le Dret and Roderick Wong) of the Special Issue of Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Professor Philippe G. Ciarlet, vol. 8, No. 1, 491 pp., 2009.
  10. Guest Editor (with M. Iosifescu) of the Proceedings of the Seventh Franco-Romanian Colloquium on Applied Mathematics, Held in Craiova, August 30 - September 3, 2004, Annals Univ. Craiova Ser. Mat. Inform., 32 (2005).
  11. Guest Editor (with M. Iosifescu and M. Sofonea) of the Proceedings of the Sixth Franco-Romanian Colloquium on Applied Mathematics, Held in Perpignan, September 2-6, 2002, Annals Univ. Craiova Ser. Mat. Inform., 30 (2003).


  1. H. Brezis, Analyse fonctionnelle: théorie, méthodes et applications, Masson, Paris, 1992. Translation from French. Romanian title: Analiza functionala: teorie, metode si aplicatii, Editura Academiei Române, Bucuresti, 2002 (pdf).

Course Notes

  1. H. Brezis, Équations de Ginzburg-Landau et singularités, Notes de cours à l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6) rédigés par Vicentiu Radulescu, 2001 (pdf).

Publications in Refereed Journals

  1. Subspaces with the 1½-ball property in Banach spaces, Ann. Univ. Craiova XV (1987), 19-25.
  2. A generalization of a classical result concerning the duality of regular spaces, Revue Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 33 (1988), 785-788.
  3. A study of some special functions with Lie theory, Studii Cerc. Mat. 43 (1991), 67-71.
  4. Mountain pass type theorems for non-differentiable functions and applications, Proc. Japan Acad. 69A (1993), 193-198 (pdf).
  5. (with P. Mironescu) A bifurcation problem associated to a convex, asymptotically linear function, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 316 (1993), 667-672.
  6. On the Volterra theorem, Ann. Univ. Craiova XX (1993), 11-12.
  7. (with P. Mironescu) Periodic solutions of the equation -Δv=v(1-|v|²), Houston Math. Journal 20 (1994), 653-670 (pdf).
  8. Vector norms and duality properties in Riesz spaces, Annals New York Acad. 728 (1994), 330-338.
  9. (with C. Lefter) On the Ginzburg-Landau energy with weight, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 319 (1994), 843-848.
  10. Mountain pass type theorems for non-differentiable convex functions, Revue Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 39 (1994), 53-62.
  11. (with P. Mironescu) On a duality theorem (in Romanian), Studii Cerc. Mat. 46 (1994), 393-396.
  12. (with C. Lefter) On the Ginzburg-Landau energy with vanishing weight, Ann. Univ. Craiova XXI (1994), 3-11.
  13. A Lusternik-Schnirelman type theorem for locally Lipschitz functionals with applications to multivalued periodic problems, Proc. Japan Acad. 71A (1995), 164-167 (pdf).
  14. (with P. Mironescu) A multiplicity theorem for locally Lipschitz periodic functionals, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 195 (1995), 621-637 (pdf).
  15. (with C. Lefter) The renormalized energy associated to a harmonic map, PanAmerican Math. Journal 3 (1995), No. 2, 1-7.
  16. Locally Lipschitz functionals with the strong Palais-Smale property, Revue Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 40 (1995), 355-372.
  17. (with C. Lefter) Convergence properties for general solutions of the Ginzburg-Landau energy with weight, Revue Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 40 (1995), 633-639.
  18. (with C. Lefter) Minimization problems and renormalized energies related to the Ginzburg-Landau equation, Ann. Univ. Craiova XXII (1995), 1-13.
  19. Nontrivial solutions for a multivalued problem with strong resonance, Glasgow Math. Journal 38 (1996), 53-61 (pdf).
  20. (with C. Lefter) On the Ginzburg-Landau energy with weight, Ann. Inst. H. Poincar , Analyse Non Lin aire 13 (1996), 171-184 (pdf).
  21. (with P. Mironescu) The study of a bifurcation problem associated to an asymptotically linear function, Nonlinear Analysis, T.M.A. 26 (1996) 857-875 (pdf).
  22. (with C. Niculescu) A Saddle Point type theorem and applications to the study of some problems with strong resonance at infinity, Ann. Acad. Sci. Fennicae 21 (1996), 117-131 (dvi) (pdf).
  23. (with C. Lefter) Minimization problems and corresponding renormalized energies, Diff. Integral Equations 9 (1996), 903-918 (pdf).
  24. (with C. Lefter) Asymptotics for the minimizers of the Ginzburg-Landau energy with vanishing weight, Advances Math. Sci. Appl. 7 (1997), 259-271.
  25. Sur l'équation multigroupe stationnaire de la diffusion des neutrons, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 323 (1996), 765-768.
  26. (with M. Bocea) Problèmes elliptiques avec non-linéarité discontinue et second membre L1, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 324 (1997), 169-172 (pdf).
  27. (with D. Motreanu) Existence theorems for some classes of boundary value problems involving the p-Laplacian, PanAmerican Math. Journal 7 (1997), No. 2, 53-66.
  28. (with P. D. Panagiotopoulos) Perturbations of hemivariational inequalities with constraints and applications, J. Global Optimiz. 12 (1998), 285-297 (pdf).
  29. Multivalued problems with strong resonance at infinity and L1 data, Revue Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. 43 (1998), 533-540.
  30. (with M. Bocea) An eigenvalue Dirichlet problem with weight and L1 data, Math. Nachr. 198 (1999), 5-17.
  31. (with M. Fundos and P. D. Panagiotopoulos) Existence theorems of Hartmann-Stampacchia type for hemivariational inequalities and applications, J. Global Optimiz. 15 (1999), 41-54 (pdf).
  32. (with F. Cirstea) Existence and uniqueness of positive solutions to a semilinear elliptic problem in RN, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 229 (1999), 417-425 (pdf).
  33. (with M. Bocea and P. D. Panagiotopoulos) A perturbation result for a double eigenvalue hemivariational inequality and applications, J. Global Optimiz. 14} (1999), 137-156 (pdf).
  34. (with M. Degiovanni) Perturbations of nonsmooth symmetric nonlinear eigenvalue problems, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 329 (1999), 281-286 (pdf).
  35. Perturbations of hemivariational inequalities with constraints, Revue Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 44 (1999), 455-461.
  36. (with M. Bocea and P. D. Panagiotopoulos) Double eigenvalue hemivariational inequalities with non-locally Lipschitz energy functional, Commun. Appl. Nonlin. Anal. 6 (1999), No. 4, 17-29.
  37. Approximation of the ground state with solutions on bounded domains with corners, Revue Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 44 (1999), 845-855.
  38. (with C. Vladimirescu) KKM techniques for hemivariational inequalities and applications, Ann. Univ. Craiova XXVI (1999), 29-42.
  39. (with F. Cirstea) Multiple solutions of degenerate perturbed elliptic problems involving a subcritical Sobolev exponent, Topol. Meth. Nonlin. Anal. 15 (2000), 281-298 (pdf) (ps).
  40. (with F. Gazzola) A nonsmooth critical point theory approach to some nonlinear elliptic equations in unbounded domains, Diff. Integral Equations 13 (2000), 47-60 (pdf) (ps).
  41. (with F. Cirstea) Existence and nonexistence results for quasilinear problems with nonlinear boundary condition, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 244 (2000), 169-183 (pdf).
  42. (with M. Degiovanni and M. Marzocchi) Multiple solutions of hemivariational inequalities with area-type term, Calculus of Variations and PDE 10 (2000), 355-387 (pdf).
  43. (with F. Cirstea) Multiplicity of solutions for a class of non-symmetric eigenvalue hemivariational inequalities, J. Global Optimiz. 17 (1/4) (2000), 43-54 (pdf).
  44. (with L. Ignat and C. Lefter) Minimization of the renormalized energy in the unit ball of R2, Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde 5/1, No. 3 (2000), 150-152 (pdf).
  45. (with D. Motreanu) Existence results for inequality problems with lack of convexity, Numer. Funct. Anal. Optimiz. 21 (2000), No. 7-8, 869-884 (pdf) (ps).
  46. (with F. Cirstea) On a double bifurcation quasilinear problem arising in the study of anisotropic continuous media, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 44 (2001), 527-548 (pdf) (ps).
  47. (with F. Cirstea) Existence implies uniqueness for a class of singular anisotropic elliptic boundary value problems, Math. Methods Appl. Sciences 24 (2001), 771-779 (pdf).
  48. (with F. Cirstea and D. Motreanu) Weak solutions of quasilinear problems with nonlinear boundary conditions, Nonlinear Analysis, T.M.A. 43 (2001), 623-636 (pdf).
  49. (with E. Montefusco) Nonlinear eigenvalue problems for quasilinear operators on unbounded domains, Nonlinear Diff. Equations Appl. (NoDEA) 8 (2001), 481-497 (pdf).
  50. (with F. Cirstea) On a class of quasilinear eigenvalue problems on unbounded domains, Archiv der Mathematik (Basel) 77 (2001), 337-346 (pdf).
  51. (with F. Cirstea) Blow-up solutions for semilinear elliptic problems, Nonlinear Analysis, T.M.A. 48 (2002), 541-554 (pdf).
  52. (with F. Cirstea) Existence and uniqueness of blow-up solutions for a class of logistic equations, Commun. Contemp. Math. 4 (2002), 559-586 (pdf).
  53. (with D. Smets and M. Willem) Hardy-Sobolev inequalities with remainder terms, Topol. Meth. Nonlin. Anal. 20 (2002), 145-149 (pdf).
  54. (with F. Cirstea) Uniqueness of the blow-up boundary solution of logistic equations with absorption, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 335 (2002), 447-452 (pdf).
  55. (with F. Cirstea) Entire solutions blowing-up at infinity for semilinear elliptic systems, J. Math. Pures Appliqu es (Journal de Liouville) 81 (2002), 827-846 (pdf).
  56. (with M. Ghergu and C. Niculescu) Explosive solutions of elliptic equations with absorption and nonlinear gradient term, Proc. Indian Acad. (Math. Sciences) 112 (2002), 1-11 (pdf).
  57. (with M. Willem) Elliptic systems involving finite Radon measures, Differential and Integral Equations 16 (2003), 221-229 (dvi) (pdf).
  58. (with F. Cirstea) Asymptotics for the blow-up boundary solution of the logistic equation with absorption, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 336 (2003), 231-236 (pdf).
  59. (with S. Dabuleanu) Multi-valued boundary value problems involving Leray-Lions operators and discontinuous nonlinearities, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo 52 (2003), 57-69 (pdf).
  60. (with M. Ghergu) Bifurcation and asymptotics for the Lane-Emden-Fowler equation, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 337 (2003), 259-264 (pdf).
  61. (with F. Cirstea) Solutions with boundary blow-up for a class of nonlinear elliptic problems, Houston J. Math. 29 (2003), 821-829 (pdf).
  62. (with C. Ciulcu and D. Motreanu) Multiplicity of solutions for a class of non-symmetric eigenvalue hemivariational inequalities, Math. Methods Appl. Sciences 26 (2003), 801-814 (pdf).
  63. (with M. Mihailescu) Ground state solutions of nonlinear singular Schrödinger equations with lack of compactness, Math. Methods Appl. Sciences 26 (2003), 897-906 (pdf).
  64. (with M. Ghergu) Sublinear singular elliptic problems with two parameters, J. Differential Equations 195 (2003), 520-536 (pdf).
  65. (with D. Smets) Critical singular problems on infinite cones, Nonlinear Analysis, T.M.A. 54 (2003), 1153-1164 (pdf).
  66. (with I. Ionescu) Nonlinear eigenvalue problems arising in earthquake initiation, Adv. Differential Equations 8 (2003), 769-786 (dvi) (pdf).
  67. (with M. Ghergu) Existence and nonexistence of entire solutions to the logistic differential equation, Abstract and Applied Analysis 17 (2003), 995-1003 (pdf).
  68. (with M. Bocea and P. D. Panagiotopoulos) Inequality problems with nonlocally Lipschitz energy functional: existence results and applications to nonsmooth mechanics, Applicable Anal. 82 (2003), 561-574 (pdf).
  69. (with M. Ghergu) Explosive solutions of semilinear elliptic systems with gradient term, RACSAM Revista Real Academia de Ciencias (Serie A, Matem ticas) 97 (2003), 437-445 (pdf).
  70. (with M. Ghergu) Nonradial blow-up solutions of sublinear elliptic equations with gradient term, Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 3 (2004), 465-474 (pdf).
  71. (with M. Ghergu) Bifurcation for a class of singular elliptic problems with quadratic convection term, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 338 (2004), 831-836 (pdf).
  72. (with F. Cirstea) Extremal singular solutions for degenerate logistic-type equations in anisotropic media, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 339 (2004), 119-124 (pdf).
  73. Finitely many solutions for a class of boundary value problems with superlinear convex nonlinearity, Archiv der Mathematik (Basel) 84 (2005), 538-550 (pdf).
  74. (with M. Ghergu) On a class of sublinear singular elliptic problems with convection term, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 311 (2005), 635-646 (pdf).
  75. (with D. Motreanu) Eigenvalue problems for degenerate nonlinear elliptic equations in anisotropic media, Boundary Value Problems 2 (2005), 107-127 (pdf).
  76. (with F. Cirstea and M. Ghergu) Combined effects of asymptotically linear and singular nonlinearities in bifurcation problems of Lane-Emden-Fowler type, J. Math. Pures Appliqu es (Journal de Liouville) 84 (2005), 493-508 (pdf).
  77. (with M. Ghergu) Multiparameter bifurcation and asymptotics for the singular Lane-Emden-Fowler equation with a convection term, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A (Mathematics) 135 (2005), 61-84 (pdf).
  78. (with F. Cirstea) Nonlinear problems with boundary blow-up: a Karamata regular variation theory approach, Asymptotic Analysis 46 (2006), 275-298 (pdf).
  79. (with M. Ghergu) Singular elliptic problems with lack of compactness, Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 185 (2006), 63-79 (pdf).
  80. (with M. Mihailescu) A multiplicity result for a nonlinear degenerate problem arising in the theory of electrorheological fluids, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 462 (2006), 2625-2641 (tex) (pdf); Correction, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 467 (2011), 3033-3034 (pdf).
  81. (with M. Mihailescu) Existence and multiplicity of solutions for quasilinear nonhomogeneous problems: an Orlicz-Sobolev space setting, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 330 (2007), 416-432 (tex) (pdf).
  82. (with F. Cirstea) Boundary blow-up in nonlinear elliptic equations of Bieberbach-Rademacher type, Transactions Amer. Math. Soc. 359 (2007), 3275-3286 (pdf).
  83. (with M. Mihailescu) Nonhomogeneous boundary value problems in Orlicz-Sobolev spaces, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 344 (2007), 15-20 (pdf).
  84. (with M. Ghergu) On a class of singular Gierer-Meinhardt systems arising in morphogenesis, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 344 (2007), 163-168 (pdf).
  85. Singular phenomena in nonlinear elliptic problems. From blow-up boundary solutions to equations with singular nonlinearities, in Handbook of Differential Equations: Stationary Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 4 (Michel Chipot, Editor), North-Holland Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 2007, pp. 483-591 (zip) (pdf).
  86. (with M. Mihailescu) On a nonhomogeneous quasilinear eigenvalue problem in Sobolev spaces with variable exponent, Proceedings Amer. Math. Soc. 135 (2007), 2929-2937 (pdf).
  87. (with C. Vallee) An infinite dimensional version of the Schur convexity property and applications, Analysis and Applications 5 (2007), 123-136 (tex) (pdf).
  88. (with M. Ghergu) Ground state solutions for the singular Lane-Emden-Fowler equation with sublinear convection term, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 333 (2007), 265-273 (tex) (pdf).
  89. (with L. Dupaigne and M. Ghergu) Lane-Emden-Fowler equations with convection and singular potential, J. Math. Pures Appliqu es (Journal de Liouville) 87 (2007), 563-581 (tex) (pdf).
  90. (with S. Dumont, L. Dupaigne, and O. Goubet) Back to the Keller-Osserman condition for boundary blow-up solutions, Advanced Nonlinear Studies 7 (2007), 271-298 (tex) (pdf).
  91. (with M. Mihailescu and P. Pucci) Nonhomogeneous boundary value problems in anisotropic Sobolev spaces, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 345 (2007), 561-566 (pdf).
  92. (with M. Mihailescu) Continuous spectrum for a class of nonhomogeneous differential operators, Manuscripta Mathematica 125 (2008), 157-167 (tex) (pdf).
  93. (with M. Mihailescu and P. Pucci) Eigenvalue problems for anisotropic quasilinear elliptic equations with variable exponent, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 340 (2008), 687-698 (tex) (pdf).
  94. (with R. Filippucci and P. Pucci) Existence and non-existence results for quasilinear elliptic exterior problems with nonlinear boundary conditions, Communications in Partial Differential Equations 33 (2008), 706-717 (tex) (pdf).
  95. (with M. Mihailescu) Eigenvalue problems associated to nonhomogeneous differential operators in Orlicz-Sobolev spaces, Analysis and Applications 6 (2008), 83-98 (pdf).
  96. (with M. Mihailescu) Nonhomogeneous Neumann problems in Orlicz-Sobolev spaces, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 346 (2008), 401-406 (pdf).
  97. (with M. Ghergu) A singular Gierer-Meinhardt system with different source terms, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A (Mathematics) 138A (2008), 1215-1234 (zip) (pdf).
  98. (with M. Mihailescu) Neumann problems associated to nonhomogeneous differential operators in Orlicz-Sobolev spaces, Ann. Inst. Fourier 58 (2008), 2087-2111 (tex) (pdf).
  99. (with M. Mihailescu) Spectrum in an unbounded interval for a class of nonhomogeneous differential operators, Bull. London Math. Soc. 40 (2008), 972-984 (tex) (pdf).
  100. Combined effects in nonlinear singular elliptic problems with convection, Revue Roumaine de Math matiques Pures et Appliqu es 53 (2008), 543-553 (tex) (pdf).
  101. Rodrigues-type formulae for Hermite and Laguerre polynomials, An. St. Univ. Ovidius Constanta 16 (2008), 109-116 (tex) (pdf).
  102. (with D. Repovs) Perturbation effects in nonlinear eigenvalue problems, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications 70 (2009), 3030-3038 (tex) (pdf).
  103. (with A. Krist ly) Sublinear eigenvalue problems on compact Riemannian manifolds with applications in Emden-Fowler equations, Studia Mathematica 191 (2009), 237-246 (tex) (pdf).
  104. (with M. Mihailescu) A continuous spectrum for nonhomogeneous differential operators in Orlicz-Sobolev spaces, Mathematica Scandinavica 104 (2009), 132-146 (tex) (pdf).
  105. (with H. Le Dret and R. S. C. Wong), A Tribute to Professor Philippe G. Ciarlet on His 70th Birthday, Comm. Pure Appl. Anal. 8 (2009), No. 1, pp. 1-4 (pdf).
  106. (with A. Krist ly and M. Mihailescu) Two nontrivial solutions for a non-homogeneous Neumann problem: an Orlicz-Sobolev setting, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A (Mathematics) 139A (2009), 367-379 (tex) (pdf).
  107. (with M. Mihailescu and G. Morosanu) Eigenvalue problems in anisotropic Orlicz-Sobolev spaces, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 347 (2009), 521-526 (pdf).
  108. Foreword: JMAA Special Issue on Degenerate and Singular PDEs and Phenomena in Analysis and Mathematical Physics, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 352 (2009), pp. 1-2 (pdf).
  109. (with M. Mihailescu and S. Tersian) Eigenvalue problems for anisotropic discrete boundary value problems, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 15 (2009), 557-567 (tex) (pdf).
  110. (with N. Costea) Existence results for hemivariational inequalities involving relaxed monotone mappings, Commun. Appl. Anal. 13 (2009), 293-304 (tex) (pdf).
  111. (with A. Ghanmi, H. Maagli and N. Zeddini) Large and bounded solutions for a class of nonlinear Schrödinger stationary systems, Analysis and Applications 7 (2009), 391-404 (tex) (pdf).
  112. (with D. Repovs) Existence results for variational-hemivariational problems with lack of convexity, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications 73 (2010), 99-104 (tex) (pdf).
  113. (with M. Mihailescu) Concentration phenomena in nonlinear eigenvalue problems with variable exponents and sign-changing potential, Journal d'Analyse Math matique 111 (2010), 267-287 (tex) (pdf).
  114. (with N. Costea) Hartman-Stampacchia results for stably pseudomonotone operators and nonlinear hemivariational inequalities, Applicable Analysis 89 (2010), 175-188 (tex) (pdf).
  115. (with M. Mihailescu and D. Repovs) On a non-homogeneous eigenvalue problem involving a potential: an Orlicz-Sobolev space setting, J. Math. Pures Appliqu es (Journal de Liouville) 93 (2010), 132-148 (tex) (pdf).
  116. (with P. Pucci) Remarks on a polyharmonic eigenvalue problem, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 348 (2010), 161-164 (pdf).
  117. (with M. Ghergu) Turing patterns in general reaction-diffusion systems of Brusselator type, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 12 (2010), 661-679 (tex) (pdf).
  118. (with M. Mihailescu and G. Morosanu) Eigenvalue problems for anisotropic elliptic equations: an Orlicz-Sobolev setting, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications 73 (2010), 3239-3253 (tex) (pdf).
  119. (with M. Mihailescu) Eigenvalue problems with weight and variable exponent for the Laplace operator, Analysis and Applications 8 (2010), 235-246 (tex) (pdf).
  120. (with A. Krist ly, M. Mihailescu and S. Tersian) Spectral estimates for a nonhomogeneous difference problem, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 12 (2010), 1015-1029 (tex) (pdf).
  121. (with M. Mihailescu and D. Stancu) A Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg-type inequality with variable exponent and applications to PDE's, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 56 (2011), 659-669(tex) (pdf).
  122. (with M. Boureanu and P. Pucci) Multiplicity of solutions for a class of anisotropic elliptic equations with variable exponent, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 56 (2011), 755-767 (tex) (pdf).
  123. (with A. Krist ly and M. Mihailescu) Discrete boundary value problems involving oscillatory nonlinearities: small and large solutions, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 17 (2011), 1431-1440 (tex) (pdf).
  124. (with B. Breckner and C. Varga) Infinitely many solutions for the Dirichlet problem on the Sierpinski gasket, Analysis and Applications 9 (2011), 235-248 (tex) (pdf).
  125. (with M. Mihailescu and S. Tersian) Homoclinic solutions of difference equations with variable exponents, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 38 (2011), 277-289 (tex) (pdf).
  126. (with P. Pucci) The impact of the mountain pass theory in nonlinear analysis: a mathematical survey, Boll. Unione Mat. Ital. Series IX, No. 3 (2010), 543-584 (pdf).
  127. Remarks on a limiting case in the treatment of nonlinear problems with mountain pass geometry, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Mathematica Volume LV, No. 4 (2010), 99-106 (pdf).
  128. (with T.-L. Radulescu) Picard and Krasnoselski sequences: applications to fixed point problems, Gazeta Matematica, Seria A (Romanian Mathematical Society) XXVIII (CVII), No. 3-4 (2010), 77-92 (tex) (pdf).
  129. (with T.-L. Radulescu) Agenda for a mathematical renaissance, Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 57 (2010), 1079 (pdf).
  130. Combined effects and degenerate phenomena in nonlinear stationary problems, Le Matematiche LXV (2010), 169-191 (pdf).
  131. (with G. Bonanno and G. Molica Bisci) Infinitely many solutions for a class of nonlinear eigenvalue problem in Orlicz-Sobolev spaces, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 349 (2011), 263-268 (pdf).
  132. (with M. Mihailescu) Sublinear eigenvalue problems associated to the Laplace operator revisited, Israel J. Math. 181 (2011), 317-326 (tex) (pdf).
  133. (with G. Bonanno and G. Molica Bisci) Existence of three solutions for a non-homogeneous Neumann problem through Orlicz-Sobolev spaces, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications 74 (2011), 4785-4795 (tex) (pdf).
  134. (with D. Repovs) Combined effects in nonlinear problems arising in the study of anisotropic continuous media, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications 75 (2012), 1523-1529 (tex) (pdf).
  135. (with G. Bonanno and G. Molica Bisci) Multiple solutions of generalized Yamabe equations on Riemannian manifolds and applications to Emden-Fowler problems, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 12 (2011), 2656-2665 (tex) (pdf).
  136. (with P. Pucci) Combined effects in quasilinear elliptic problems with lack of compactness, Rendiconti Lincei - Matematica e Applicazioni 22 (2011), 189-205 (tex) (pdf).
  137. (with G. Bonanno and G. Molica Bisci) Infinitely many solutions for a class of nonlinear elliptic problems on fractals, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 350 (2012), 187-191 (tex) (pdf).
  138. Noncoercive elliptic equations with subcritical growth, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S 5 (2012), 857-864 (tex) (pdf).
  139. (with G. Bonanno and G. Molica Bisci) Arbitrarily small weak solutions for a nonlinear eigenvalue problem in Orlicz-Sobolev spaces, Monatshefte f r Mathematik 165 (2012), 305-318 (tex) (pdf).
  140. (with N. Costea) Inequality problems of quasi-hemivariational type involving set-valued operators and a nonlinear term, Journal of Global Optimization 52 (2012), 743-756 (tex) (pdf).
  141. (with M. Boureanu) Anisotropic Neumann problems in Sobolev spaces with variable exponent, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications 75 (2012), 4471-4482 (tex) (pdf).
  142. Multiple solutions for Lane-Emden equations with mixed nonlinearities, Annals of the University of Bucharest 3 (LXI) (2012), 227-232 (tex) (pdf).
  143. (with G. Bonanno and G. Molica Bisci) Variational analysis for a nonlinear elliptic problem on the Sierpinski gasket, ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 18 (2012), 941-953 (tex) (pdf).
  144. Critical Point Theory, in Selected Papers of James Serrin (P. Pucci, V. Radulescu, H. Weinberger, Editors), 2 volumes, 1600 pages, Contemporary Mathematicians, Birkh user, Basel, 2013 (pdf).
  145. (with G. Bonanno and G. Molica Bisci) Quasilinear elliptic non-homogeneous Dirichlet problems through Orlicz-Sobolev spaces, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications 75 (2012), 4441-4456 (tex) (pdf).
  146. (with G. Bonanno and G. Molica Bisci) Weak solutions and energy estimates for a class of nonlinear elliptic Neumann problems, Advanced Nonlinear Studies 13 (2013), 373-389 (tex) (pdf).
  147. (with G. Afrouzi and A. Hadjian) Variational analysis for Dirichlet impulsive differential equations with oscillatory nonlinearity, Portugaliae Mathematica 70 (2013), 225-242 (tex) (pdf).
  148. (with G. Bonanno and G. Molica Bisci) Qualitative analysis of gradient-type systems with oscillatory nonlinearities on the Sierpinski gasket, Chinese Annals of Mathematics 34 (2013), 381-398 (tex) (pdf).
  149. Combined effects for a stationary problem with indefinite nonlinearities and lack of compactness, Dynamic Systems and Applications 22 (2013), 371-384 (tex) (pdf).
  150. (with G. Bonanno and G. Molica Bisci) Nonlinear elliptic problems on Riemannian manifolds and applications to Emden-Fowler type equations, Manuscripta Mathematica 142 (2013), 157-185 (tex) (pdf).
  151. (with G. Molica Bisci) Multiple symmetric solutions for a Neumann problem with lack of compactness, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 351 (2013), 37-42 (tex) (pdf).
  152. (with N. Papageorgiou) Semilinear Neumann problems with indefinite and unbounded potential and crossing nonlinearity, in Recent Trends in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations. Dedicated to Patrizia Pucci on the Occasion of Her 60th Birthday, Contemporary Mathematics, American Mathematical Society (J. Serrin, E. Mitidieri, V. Radulescu-Editors), vol. 595 (2013), 293-315 (tex) (pdf).
  153. (with A. Iannizzotto) Positive homoclinic solutions for the discrete p-Laplacian with a coercive potential, Differential and Integral Equations 27 (2014), 35-44 (pdf).
  154. (with R. Alsaedi and N. Constantinescu) Nonlinearities in elliptic curve authentication, Entropy 16 (2014), 5144-5158 (pdf).
  155. (with G. Afrouzi and A. Hadjian) Variational approach to fourth-order impulsive differential equations with two control parameters, Results in Mathematics 65 (2014), 371-384 (tex) (pdf).
  156. (with B. Zhang and Y. Fu) The stationary Navier-Stokes equations in variable exponent spaces of Clifford-valued functions, Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 24 (2014), 231-252 (tex) (pdf).
  157. (with G. Molica Bisci and R. Servadei) Low and high energy solutions of nonlinear elliptic oscillatory problems, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 352 (2014), 117-122 (tex) (pdf).
  158. (with N. Papageorgiou) Qualitative phenomena for some classes of quasilinear elliptic equations with multiple resonance, Applied Mathematics and Optimization 69 (2014), 393-430 (tex) (pdf).
  159. (with G. Afrouzi and M. Mirzapour) Qualitative properties of anisotropic elliptic Schrödinger equations, Advanced Nonlinear Studies 14 (2014), 719-736 (tex) (pdf).
  160. (with N. Papageorgiou) Positive solutions for Neumann problems with indefinite and unbounded potential, Applied Mathematics Letters 35 (2014), 7-11 (tex) (pdf).
  161. (with G. Molica Bisci) Mountain pass solutions for nonlocal equations, Ann. Acad. Sci. Fennicae 39 (2014), 579-592 (tex) (pdf).
  162. (with G. Afrouzi and M. Mirzapour) Existence and multiplicity results for anisotropic stationary Schrödinger equations, Rendiconti Lincei - Matematica e Applicazioni 25 (2014), 91-108 (tex) (pdf).
  163. (with B. Zhang) Morse theory and local linking for a nonlinear degenerate problem arising in the theory of electrorheological fluids, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 17 (2014), 311-321 (tex) (pdf).
  164. (with N. Papageorgiou) Positive solutions for nonlinear nonhomogeneous Neumann equations of superdiffusive type, J. Fixed Point Theory Appl. 15 (2014), 519-535 (tex) (pdf).
  165. (with N. Papageorgiou) Multiple solutions with precise sign for nonlinear parametric Robin problems, Journal of Differential Equations 256 (2014), 2449-2479 (tex) (pdf).
  166. (with N. Papageorgiou) Bifurcation near the origin for the Robin problem with concave-convex nonlinearities, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 352 (2014), 627-632 (tex) (pdf).
  167. (with N. Papageorgiou) Combined effects of singular and sublinear nonlinearities in some elliptic problems, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications 109 (2014), 236-244 (tex) (pdf).
  168. (with N. Papageorgiou) Bifurcation near infinity for the Neumann problem with concave-convex nonlinearities, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 352 (2014), 811-816 (tex) (pdf).
  169. (with B. Alleche and M. Sebaoui) The Tikhonov regularization for equilibrium problems and applications to quasi-hemivariational inequalities, Optimization Letters 9 (2015), 483-503 (zip) (pdf).
  170. (with N. Papageorgiou) Resonant Neumann problems with indefinite and unbounded potential, Applied Mathematics Letters 40 (2015), 49-52 (tex) (pdf).
  171. (with G. Molica Bisci) Applications of local linking to nonlocal Neumann problems, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 1/17 (2015), 1450001 (17 pages) (tex) (pdf).
  172. (with B. Alleche) The Ekeland variational principle for equilibrium problems revisited and applications, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 23 (2015), 17-25 (tex) (pdf).
  173. (with N. Papageorgiou) Positive solutions for perturbations of the eigenvalue problem for the Robin p-Laplacian, Ann. Acad. Sci. Fennicae 40 (2015), 255-277 (tex) (pdf).
  174. (with G. Molica Bisci) A characterization for elliptic problems on fractal sets, Proceedings Amer. Math. Soc. 143 (2015), 2959-2968 (tex) (pdf).
  175. (with N. Papageorgiou) Bifurcation of positive solutions for nonlinear nonhomogeneous Robin and Neumann problems with competing nonlinearities, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 35 (2015), 5003-5036 (tex) (pdf).
  176. (with N. Papageorgiou) Bifurcation analysis for nonhomogeneous Robin problems with competing nonlinearities, Applied Mathematics Letters 48 (2015), 69-74 (tex) (pdf).
  177. (with R. Alsaedi, H. Maagli and N. Zeddini) Asymptotic behaviour of positive large solutions of quasilinear logistic problems, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations No. 28 (2015), 1-15 (tex) (pdf).
  178. (with G. Afrouzi and S. Shakeri) Positive solutions of singular elliptic systems with multiple parameters and Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg exponents, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 70 (2015), 145-152 (tex) (pdf).
  179. (with A. Bahrouni and H. Ounaies) Infinitely many solutions for a class of sublinear Schrödinger equations with indefinite potentials, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A (Mathematics) 145A (2015), 445-465 (tex) (pdf).
  180. (with N. Papageorgiou) Multiple solutions for asymptotically linear elliptic equations with sign changing weight, Kyoto Journal of Mathematics 55 (2015), 593-606 (tex) (pdf).
  181. (with G. Molica Bisci and B. Zhang) Existence of stationary states for A-Dirac equations with variable growth, Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 25 (2015), 385-402 (tex) (pdf).
  182. (with G. Afrouzi and A. Hadjian) A variational approach of Sturm-Liouville problems with the nonlinearity depending on the derivative, Boundary Value Problems (2015), 2015:81, 17 pp. (tex) (pdf).
  183. (with I. Stancut) Combined concave-convex effects in anisotropic elliptic equations with variable exponent, Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications (NoDEA) 22 (2015), 391-410 (tex) (pdf).
  184. (with N. Papageorgiou) Nonlinear parametric Robin problems with combined nonlinearities, Advanced Nonlinear Studies 15 (2015), 715-748 (tex) (pdf).
  185. (with R. Alsaedi, H. Maagli and N. Zeddini) Positive bounded solutions for semilinear elliptic systems in the half-space with indefinite weights, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2015 (2015), No. 177, pp. 1-8 (tex) (pdf).
  186. Nonlinear elliptic equations with variable exponent: old and new, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications 121 (2015), 336-369 (tex) (pdf).
  187. (with G. Molica Bisci) Bifurcation analysis of a singular elliptic problem modelling the equilibrium of anisotropic continuous media, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 45 (2015), 493-508 (tex) (pdf).
  188. (with N. Papageorgiou) Solutions with sign information for nonlinear nonhomogeneous elliptic equations, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 45 (2015), 575-600 (tex) (pdf).
  189. (with N. Papageorgiou) Resonant (p,2)-equations with asymmetric reaction, Analysis and Applications 13 (2015), 481-506 (tex) (pdf).
  190. (with B. Alleche) Equilibrium problems techniques in the qualitative analysis of quasi-hemivariational inequalities, Optimization 64 (2015), 1855-1868 (zip) (pdf).
  191. (with N. Papageorgiou) Multiplicity theorems for semilinear Robin problems, Advances in Calculus of Variations 8 (2015), 203-220 (tex) (pdf).
  192. (with Y. Fu and B. Zhang) Hodge decomposition of variable exponent spaces of Clifford-valued functions and applications to Dirac and Stokes equations, Computers and Mathematics with Applications 70 (2015), 691-704 (tex) (pdf).
  193. (with N. Papageorgiou) Combined effects of concave-convex nonlinearities and indefinite potential in some elliptic problems, Asymptotic Analysis 93 (2015), 259-279 (tex) (pdf).
  194. (with G. Afrouzi and M. Mirzapour) The qualitative analysis of a nonlinear anisotropic problem with no-flux boundary condition, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales, Serie A: Matematicas (RACSAM) 109 (2015), 581-595 (tex) (pdf).
  195. (with G. Molica Bisci) Multiplicity results for elliptic fractional equations with subcritical term, Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications (NoDEA) 22 (2015), 721-739 (tex) (pdf).
  196. (with N. Papageorgiou) Neumann problems with indefinite and unbounded potential and concave terms, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 143 (2015), 4803-4816 (tex) (pdf).
  197. (with D. Alexandrescu and S. Radulescu) Facility location in normed linear spaces, Optimization Letters 9 (2015), 1353-1369 (tex) (pdf).
  198. (with N. Papageorgiou) Bifurcation near infinity for the Robin p-Laplacian, Manuscripta Mathematica 148 (2015), 415-433 (tex) (pdf).
  199. (with N. Papageorgiou) Multiplicity of solutions for resonant Neumann problems with an indefinite and unbounded potential, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 367 (2015), 8723-8756 (tex) (pdf).
  200. (with G. Molica Bisci) Ground state solutions of scalar field fractional Schrödinger equations, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 54 (2015), 2985-3008 (pdf).
  201. (with M. Abdelwahed and N. Chorfi) Numerical solutions to heat equations via the spectral method, Electron. J. Diff. Equ. 2016 (2016), No. 68, pp. 1-11 (pdf).
  202. (with B. Alleche) Set-valued equilibrium problems with applications to Browder variational inclusions and to fixed point theory, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 28 (2016), 251-268 (pdf).
  203. (with M. Xiang and B. Zhang) Existence of solutions for perturbed fractional p-Laplacian equations, Journal of Differential Equations 260 (2016), 1392-1413 (tex) (pdf).
  204. (with N. Papageorgiou) Robin problems with indefinite, unbounded potential and reaction of arbitrary growth, Revista Matematica Complutense 29 (2016), 91-126 (tex) (pdf).
  205. (with G. Afrouzi and M. Mirzapour) Nonlocal fourth-order Kirchhoff systems with variable growth: low and high energy solutions, Collectanea Mathematica 67 (2016), 207-223 (tex) (pdf).
  206. (with I. Bachar and H. Maagli) Fractional Navier boundary value problems, Boundary Value Problems (2016), 2016:79 (pdf).
  207. (with M. Xiang and B. Zhang) Existence of solutions for a bi-nonlocal fractional p-Kirchhoff type problem, Computers and Mathematics with Applications 71 (2016), 255-266 (pdf).
  208. (with N. Papageorgiou) Coercive and noncoercive nonlinear Neumann problems with indefinite potential, Forum Mathematicum 28 (2016), 545-571 (tex) (pdf).
  209. (with C. Vallee and K. Atchonouglo) New variational principles for solving extended Dirichlet-Neumann problems, Journal of Elasticity 123 (2016), 1-18 (tex) (pdf).
  210. (with N. Papageorgiou) Infinitely many nodal solutions for nonlinear nonhomogeneous Robin problems, Advanced Nonlinear Studies 16 (2016), 287-299 (tex) (pdf).
  211. (with N. Chorfi) Standing wave solutions of a quasilinear degenerate Schrödinger equation with unbounded potential, Electronic Journal of the Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations 37 (2016), 1-12 (tex) (pdf).
  212. (with N. Papageorgiou) Nonlinear elliptic problems with superlinear reaction and parametric concave boundary condition, Israel Journal of Mathematics 212 (2016), 791-824 (tex) (pdf).
  213. (with M. Malin) Infinitely many solutions for a nonlinear difference equation with oscillatory nonlinearity, Ricerche di Matematica 65 (2016), 193-208 (tex) (pdf).
  214. (with N. Papageorgiou) On noncoercive elliptic problems, Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications (2016) 23:42 (tex) (pdf).
  215. (with S. Baraket) Combined effects of concave-convex nonlinearities in a fourth order problem with variable exponent, Advanced Nonlinear Studies 16 (2016), 409-419 (tex) (pdf).
  216. (with L. Li and D. Repovs) Nonlocal Kirchhoff superlinear equations with indefinite nonlinearity and lack of compactness, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 17 (2016), 325-333 (pdf).
  217. (with B. Alleche) Solutions and approximate solutions of quasi-equilibrium problems in Banach spaces, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 170 (2016), 629-649 (zip) (pdf).
  218. (with N. Labropoulos) On the best constants in Sobolev inequalities on the solid torus in the limit case p=1, Advances in Nonlinear Analysis 5 (2016), 261-291 (tex) (pdf).
  219. (with R. Alsaedi, H. Maagli and N. Zeddini) Entire bounded solutions versus fixed points for nonlinear elliptic equations with indefinite weight, Fixed Point Theory 17 (2016), 255-265 (tex) (pdf).
  220. (with N. Papageorgiou) Positive solutions of nonlinear Robin eigenvalue problems, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 144 (2016), 4913-4928 (tex) (pdf).
  221. (with M. Xiang and B. Zhang) Multiplicity of solutions for a class of quasilinear Kirchhoff system involving the fractional p-Laplacian, Nonlinearity 29 (2016), 3186-3205 (pdf).
  222. (with S. Saiedinezhad) Multiplicity results for a nonlinear Robin problem with variable exponent, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis 17 (2016), 1567-1582 (pdf).
  223. (with N. Papageorgiou) Multiplicity theorems for resonant and superlinear nonhomogeneous elliptic equations, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 48 (2016), 283-320 (tex) (pdf).
  224. (with M. Boureanu and D. Repovs) On a p(.)-biharmonic problem with no-flux boundary condition, Computers and Mathematics with Applications 72 (2016), 2505-2515 (tex) (pdf).
  225. (with G. Afrouzi and M. Mirzapour) Qualitative analysis of solutions for a class of anisotropic elliptic equations with variable exponent, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 59 (2016), 541-557 (tex) (pdf).
  226. (with N. Papageorgiou) Nonlinear nonhomogeneous Robin problems with superlinear reaction term, Advanced Nonlinear Studies 16 (2016), 737-764 (tex) (pdf).
  227. (with N. Chorfi) Continuous spectrum for some classes of (p,2)-equations with linear or sublinear growth, Miskolc Math. Notes 17 (2016), 817-826 (pdf).
  228. (with G. Molica Bisci and R. Servadei) Competition phenomena for elliptic equations involving a general operator in divergence form, Analysis and Applications 15 (2017), 51-82 (tex) (pdf).
  229. (with M. Abdelwahed and N. Chorfi) Handling geometric singularities by the mortar spectral element method for fourth-order problems, Electron. J. Differential Equations 2017 (2017), No. 82, pp. 1-13.
  230. (with N. Papageorgiou) Infinitely many nodal solutions for semilinear Robin problems with an indefinite linear part, Applied Mathematics Letters 64 (2017), 42-50 (pdf).
  231. (with B. Alleche) The inverse of the sum of set-valued mappings and applications, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 38 (2017), 139-159 (pdf).
  232. (with N. Papageorgiou) Multiplicity theorems for nonlinear nonhomogeneous Robin problems, Revista Matematica Iberoamericana 33 (2017), 251-289 (tex) (pdf).
  233. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Positive solutions for perturbations of the Robin eigenvalue problem plus an indefinite potential, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series A 37 (2017), 2589-2618 (pdf).
  234. (with N. Papageorgiou) Superlinear, noncoercive asymmetric Robin problems with indefinite, unbounded potential, Z. Anal. Anwend. 36 (2017), 253-281 (pdf).
  235. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) On a class of parametric (p,2)-equations, Applied Mathematics and Optimization 75 (2017), 193-228 (tex) (pdf).
  236. (with N. Papageorgiou) Periodic solutions for time-dependent subdifferential evolution inclusions, Evolution Equations and Control Theory 6 (2017), 277-297 (pdf).
  237. (with I. Stancut) Perturbation effects for a singular elliptic problem with lack of compactness and critical exponent, Minimax Theory and its Applications 2 (2017), 79-97.
  238. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Robin problems with indefinite linear part and competition phenomena, Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 16 (2017), 1293-1314 (pdf).
  239. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Sensitivity analysis for optimal control problems governed by nonlinear evolution inclusions, Advances in Nonlinear Analysis 6 (2017), 199-235 (tex) (pdf).
  240. (with G. Molica Bisci) A sharp eigenvalue theorem for fractional elliptic equations, Israel Journal of Mathematics 219 (2017), 331-351 (pdf).
  241. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Multiple solutions for resonant problems of the Robin p-Laplacian plus an indefinite potential, Calculus of Variations and PDEs (2017) 56:63 (tex) (pdf).
  242. (with N. Papageorgiou) Robin problems near resonance at any nonprincipal eigenvalue, Results in Mathematics 71 (2017), 1389-1412 (pdf).
  243. (with N. Papageorgiou) An infinity of nodal solutions for superlinear Robin problems with an indefinite and unbounded potential, Bull. Sci. Math. 141 (2017), 251-266 (pdf).
  244. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Robin problems with a general potential and a superlinear reaction, Journal of Differential Equations 263 (2017), 3244-3290 (pdf).
  245. (with N. Chorfi) Small perturbations of elliptic problems with variable growth, Applied Mathematics Letters 74 (2017), 167-173 (pdf).
  246. (with N. Papageorgiou) Robin problems with indefinite and unbounded potential, resonant at -∞, superlinear at ∞, Tohoku Mathematical Journal 69 (2017), 261-286 (tex) (pdf).
  247. (with K. Kefi) On a p(x)-biharmonic problem with singular weights, Zeitschrift fuer angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP) 68 (2017), 68:80 (pdf).
  248. (with B. Ge and J.-C. Zhang) Infinitely many positive solutions of fractional boundary value problems, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 49 (2017), 647-664 (pdf).
  249. (with N. Papageorgiou) Asymmetric, noncoercive, superlinear (p,2)-equations, Journal of Convex Analysis 24 (2017), 769-793 (tex) (pdf).
  250. (with S. Liang) Infinitely many solutions for degenerate Kirchhoff-type Schrödinger-Choquard equations, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2017 (2017), No. 230, pp. 1-17 (pdf).
  251. (with S. Baraket, S. Chebbi, N. Chorfi) Non-autonomous eigenvalue problems with variable (p1,p2)-growth, Advanced Nonlinear Studies 17 (2017), 781-792 (pdf).
  252. (with I. Bachar and H. Maagli) Positive solutions for superlinear Riemann-Liouville fractional boundary-value problems, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2017 (2017), No. 240, pp. 1-16 (pdf).
  253. (with B. Alleche) Further on set-valued equilibrium problems and applications to Browder variational inclusions, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 175 (2017), 39-58 (pdf).
  254. (with G. Afrouzi and S. Shokooh) Multiple solutions of Neumann problems: an Orlicz-Sobolev space setting, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society 40 (2017), 1591-1611 (tex) (pdf).
  255. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Nonhomogeneous hemivariational inequalities with indefinite potential and Robin boundary condition, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 175 (2017), 293-323 (pdf).
  256. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Pairs of positive solutions for resonant singular equations with the p-Laplacian, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2017 (2017), No. 249, pp. 1-13 (pdf).
  257. (with N. Papageorgiou) Positive solutions for parametric semilinear Robin problems with indefinite and unbounded potential, Mathematica Scandinavica 121 (2017), 263-292 (tex) (pdf).
  258. (with N. Papageorgiou) Noncoercive resonant (p,2)-equations, Applied Mathematics and Optimization 76 (2017), 621-639 (tex) (pdf).
  259. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Resonant semilinear Robin problems with a general potential, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations 70 (2017), 1-15 (pdf).
  260. (with M. Abdelwahed and N. Chorfi) Approximation of the leading singular coefficient of an elliptic fourth-order equation, Electron. J. Differential Equations 2017 (2017), No. 305, pp. 1-15 (pdf).
  261. (with I. Bachar and H. Maagli) Singular solutions of a nonlinear elliptic equation in a punctured domain, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations 94 (2017), 1-19 (pdf).
  262. (with S. Saiedinezhad) A nonlinear eigenvalue problem with p(x)-growth and generalized Robin boundary value condition, Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 17 (2018), 39-52 (pdf).
  263. (with A. Bahrouni) On a new fractional Sobolev space and applications to nonlocal variational problems with variable exponent, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series S 11 (2018), 379-389 (pdf).
  264. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Nodal solutions for the Robin p-Laplacian plus an indefinite potential and a general reaction term, Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 17 (2018), 231-241 (pdf).
  265. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Positive solutions for superdiffusive mixed problems, Applied Mathematics Letters 77 (2018), 87-93 (pdf).
  266. (with N. Papageorgiou) Multiplicity of solutions for nonlinear nonhomogeneous Robin problems, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 146 (2018), 601-611 (pdf).
  267. (with G. Afrouzi and M. Mirzapour) Variational analysis of anisotropic Schrödinger equations without Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz condition, Zeitschrift fuer angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP) 69 (2018), 69:9 (pdf).
  268. (with N. Papageorgiou) Semilinear Robin problems resonant at both zero and infinity, Forum Mathematicum 30 (2018), 237-251 (pdf).
  269. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Existence and multiplicity of solutions for resonant (p,2)-equations, Advanced Nonlinear Studies 18 (2018), 105-129 (pdf).
  270. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Nonlinear second order evolution inclusions with noncoercive viscosity term, Journal of Differential Equations 264 (2018), 4749-4763 (pdf).
  271. (with N. Papageorgiou) Multivalued periodic systems with maximal monotone terms, Pure and Applied Functional Analysis 3 (2018), 179-192 (tex) (pdf).
  272. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Resonant Robin problems driven by the p-Laplacian plus an indefinite potential, Ann. Acad. Sci. Fennicae 43 (2018), 483-508 (pdf).
  273. (with A. Bahrouni and D. Repovs) A weighted anisotropic variant of the Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequality and applications, Nonlinearity 31 (2018), 1516-1534 (pdf).
  274. (with G. Li, D. Repovs and Q. Zhang) Nonhomogeneous Dirichlet problems without the Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz condition, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 51 (2018), 55-77 (pdf).
  275. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Periodic solutions for a class of evolution inclusions, Computers and Mathematics with Applications 75 (2018), 3047-3065 (pdf).
  276. (with N. Papageorgiou) Multiplicity of solutions for Robin problems with double resonance, Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Scienze, Serie V XVIII (2018), 145-201 (pdf).
  277. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Positive solutions for nonlinear nonhomogeneous parametric Robin problems, Forum Mathematicum 30 (2018), 553-580 (pdf).
  278. (with A. Bahrouni and H. Ounaies) Compactly supported solutions of Schrödinger equations with small perturbation, Applied Mathematics Letters 84 (2018), 148-154 (pdf).
  279. (with X. Mingqi and B. Zhang) Nonlocal Kirchhoff diffusion problems: local existence and blow-up of solutions, Nonlinearity 31 (2018), 3228-3250 (pdf).
  280. (with K. Kefi) Small perturbations of nonlocal biharmonic problems with variable exponent and competing nonlinearities, Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl. 29 (2018), 439-463 (tex) (pdf).
  281. (with P. Pucci) The maximum principle with lack of monotonicity, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations 2018, No. 58, 1-11 (tex) (pdf).
  282. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) (p,2)-equations symmetric at both zero and infinity, Advances in Nonlinear Analysis 7 (2018), 327-351 (pdf).
  283. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Positive solutions for nonvariational Robin problems, Asymptotic Analysis 108 (2018), 243-255 (pdf).
  284. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Nonlinear elliptic inclusions with unilateral constraint and dependence on the gradient, Applied Mathematics and Optimization 78 (2018), 1-23 (tex) (pdf).
  285. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Double-phase problems with reaction of arbitrary growth, Zeitschrift fuer angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP) 69 (2018), 69:108 (pdf).
  286. (with Q. Zhang) Double phase anisotropic variational problems and combined effects of reaction and absorption terms, J. Math. Pures Appl. (Journal de Liouville) 118C (2018), 159-203 (tex) (pdf).
  287. (with M. Cencelj and D. Repovs) Double phase problems with variable growth, Nonlinear Analysis 177 (2018), 270-287 (pdf).
  288. (with X. Mingqi and B. Zhang) Combined effects for fractional Schrödinger-Kirchhoff systems with critical nonlinearities, ESAIM-COCV 24 (2018), 1249-1273 (pdf).
  289. (with B. Alleche) Further on set-valued equilibrium problems in the pseudo-monotone case and applications to Browder variational inclusions, Optimization Letters 12 (2018), 1789-1810 (pdf).
  290. (with M. Marin) A variational approach for the mixed problem in the elastostatics of bodies with dipolar structure, Mediterr. J. Math. (2018), 15:221 (pdf).
  291. (with R. Alsaedi) Generalized biharmonic problems with variable exponent and Navier boundary condition, Two nonlinear days in Urbino 2017, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Conf. 25 (2018), pp. 27-37 (pdf).
  292. (with J. Giacomoni and G. Warnault) Quasilinear parabolic problem with variable exponent: qualitative analysis and stabilization, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 20 (2018), 1750065 (38 pages) (tex) (pdf).
  293. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Nodal solutions for nonlinear nonhomogeneous Robin problems, Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl. 29 (2018), 721-738 (pdf).
  294. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Perturbations of nonlinear eigenvalue problems, Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 18 (2019), 1403-1431 (pdf).
  295. Isotropic and anisotropic double-phase problems: old and new, Opuscula Mathematica 39 (2019), 259-279 (pdf).
  296. (with W. Li and B. Zhang) Infinitely many solutions for fractional Kirchhoff-Schrödinger-Poisson systems, J. Math. Phys. 60, 011506 (2019) (pdf).
  297. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Asymmetric Robin problems with indefinite potential and concave terms, Advanced Nonlinear Studies 19 (2019), 69-87 (pdf).
  298. (with C. Alves and L. Tavares) Generalized Choquard equations driven by nonhomogeneous operators, Mediterr. J. Math. 16:20, 2019 (pdf).
  299. (with M. Marin and A. Ochsner) A polynomial way to control the decay of solutions for dipolar bodies, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 31 (2019), 331-340 (pdf).
  300. (with X. Mingqi and B. Zhang) Fractional Kirchhoff problems with critical Trudinger-Moser nonlinearity, Calc. Var. PDE 58 (2019), 58:57 (pdf).
  301. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Nonlinear Dirichlet problems with unilateral growth on the reaction, Forum Mathematicum 31 (2019), 319-340 (pdf).
  302. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Double-phase problems and a discontinuity property of the spectrum, Proceedings Amer. Math. Soc. 147 (2019), 2899-2910 (pdf).
  303. (with A. Bahrouni and H. Ounaies) Bound state solutions of sublinear Schrödinger equations with lack of compactness, RACSAM 113 (2019), 1191-1210 (pdf).
  304. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Periodic solutions for implicit evolution equations, Evolution Equations and Control Theory 8 (2019), 621-631 (pdf).
  305. (with X. Mingqi and B. Zhang) A critical fractional Choquard-Kirchhoff problem with magnetic field, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, vol. 21, No. 4 (2019) 1850004 (tex) (pdf).
  306. (with A. Bahrouni and D. Repovs) Double phase transonic flow problems with variable growth: nonlinear patterns and stationary waves, Nonlinearity 32 (2019), 2481-2495 (pdf).
  307. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Positive solutions for nonlinear parametric singular Dirichlet problems, Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 9, No. 3 (2019) 1950011 (pdf).
  308. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Nonlinear nonhomogeneous boundary value problems with competition phenomena, Applied Mathematics and Optimization 80 (2019), 251-298 (pdf).
  309. (with B. Zhang and L. Wang) Existence results for Kirchhoff-type superlinear problems involving the fractional Laplacian, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 149 (2019), 1061-1081 (pdf).
  310. (with B. Ge) Infinitely many solutions for a non-homogeneous differential inclusion with lack of compactness, Advanced Nonlinear Studies 19 (2019), 625-637 (pdf).
  311. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Positive solutions for a class of singular Dirichlet problems, Journal of Differential Equations 267 (2019), 6539-6554 (pdf).
  312. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Parametric nonlinear resonant Robin problems, Math. Nachrichten 292 (2019), 2456-2480 (pdf).
  313. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Nonlinear singular problems with indefinite potential term, Analysis and Mathematical Physics 9 (2019), 2237-2262 (pdf).
  314. (with A. Mohammed and A. Vitolo) Blow-up solutions for fully nonlinear equations: existence, asymptotic estimates and uniqueness, Advances in Nonlinear Analysis 9 (2020), 39-64 (pdf).
  315. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Nonlinear nonhomogeneous singular problems, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations (2020), 59:9 (pdf).
  316. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Ground state and nodal solutions for a class of double phase problems, Z. Angew. Math. Phys. (2020), 71:15 (pdf).
  317. (with D. Goel and K. Sreenadh) Coron problem for nonlocal equations involving Choquard nonlinearity, Advanced Nonlinear Studies 20 (2020), 141-161 (pdf).
  318. (with L. Wen and S. Chen) Axially symmetric solutions of the Schrödinger-Poisson system with zero mass potential in R^2, Applied Mathematics Letters 104 (2020), 106244 (pdf).
  319. (with G. Figueiredo) Nonhomogeneous equations with critical exponential growth and lack of compactness, Opuscula Mathematica 40 (2020), 71-92 (pdf).
  320. (with M. Xiang and B. Zhang) Superlinear Schrödinger-Kirchhoff type problems involving the fractional p-Laplacian and critical exponent, Advances in Nonlinear Analysis 9 (2020), 690-709 (pdf).
  321. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Relaxation methods for optimal control problems, Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences, vol. 10, No. 1 (2020), 2050004, 24 pp. (pdf).
  322. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Positive solutions for nonlinear Neumann problems with singular terms and convection, J. Math. Pures Appl. (Journal de Liouville) 136 (2020), 1-21 (pdf).
  323. (with D. Repovs) Combined effects for non-autonomous singular biharmonic problems, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - S 13 (2020), 2057-2068 (pdf).
  324. (with C. Alves) The Lane-Emden equation with variable double-phase and multiple regime, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 148 (2020), 2937-2952 (pdf).
  325. (with D. Kumar and K. Sreenadh) Singular elliptic problems with unbalanced growth and critical exponent, Nonlinearity 33 (2020), 3336-3369 (pdf).
  326. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Nonlinear, nonhomogeneous Robin problems with indefinite potential and general reaction, Applied Mathematics and Optimization 81 (2020), 823-857 (pdf).
  327. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Existence and multiplicity of solutions for double-phase Robin problems, Bull. London Math. Soc. 52 (2020), 546-560 (pdf) (pdf).
  328. (with C. Ji) Multiplicity and concentration of solutions to the nonlinear magnetic Schrödinger system, Calculus of Variations PDE (2020), 59:115 (pdf).
  329. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Superlinear perturbations of the eigenvalue problem for the Robin Laplacian plus an indefinite and unbounded potential, Results Math. (2020), 75:116 (pdf).
  330. (with A. Bahrouni and P. Winkert) A critical point theorem for perturbed functionals and low perturbations of differential and nonlocal systems, Advanced Nonlinear Studies 20 (2020), 663-674 (pdf).
  331. (with G. Molica Bisci) On the nonlinear Schrödinger equation on the Poincar ball model, Nonlinear Analysis 201 (2020), 111812 (pdf).
  332. (with S. Liang) Least-energy nodal solutions of critical Kirchhoff problems with logarithmic nonlinearity, Analysis and Mathematical Physics (2020) 10:45 (pdf).
  333. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Anisotropic equations with indefinite potential and competing nonlinearities, Nonlinear Analysis 201 (2020), 111861 (pdf).
  334. (with V. Ambrosio) Fractional double-phase patterns: concentration and multiplicity of solutions, J. Math. Pures Appl. (Journal de Liouville) 142 (2020), 101-145 (pdf).
  335. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Positive solutions for the Robin p-Laplacian plus an indefinite potential, Pure and Applied Functional Analysis (Festschrift Haim Brezis' 75th birthday) 5 (2020), 1217-1236 (pdf).
  336. (with A. Bahrouni and P. Winkert) Robin fractional problems with symmetric variable growth, Journal of Mathematical Physics 61 (2020), 101503 (pdf).
  337. (with D. Repovs, X. Shi and Q. Zhang) Multiple solutions of double phase variational problems with variable exponent, Advances in Calculus of Variations 13 (2020), 385-401 (pdf).
  338. (with S. Chen, X. Tang and B. Zhang) Ground state solutions for quasilinear Schrödinger equations with variable potential and quasilinear reaction, Revista Matematica Iberoamericana 36 (2020), 1549-1570 (pdf).
  339. (with A. Bahrouni and P. Winkert) Double phase problems with variable growth and convection for the Baouendi-Grushin operator, ZAMP 71:183 (2020) (pdf).
  340. (with A. Aghajani and F. Mottaghi) Regularity of extremal solutions to nonlinear elliptic equations with quadratic convection and general reaction, Mediterranean J. Math. 17:183 (2020) (pdf).
  341. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Qin) Anisotropic double-phase problems with indefinite potential: multiplicity of solutions, Analysis and Mathematical Physics 10:63 (2020) (pdf).
  342. (with X. Tang and Y. Zhang) Small perturbations for nonlinear Schrödinger equations with magnetic potential, Milan J. Math. 88 (2020), 479-506 (pdf).
  343. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Robin double-phase problems with singular and superlinear terms, NONRWA 58 (2021), 103217 (pdf).
  344. (with D. Qin and X. Tang) Ground states and geometrically distinct solutions for periodic Choquard-Pekar equations, J. Differential Equations 275 (2021), 652-683 (pdf).
  345. (with W. Yan) Global small finite energy solutions for the incompressible magnetohydrodynamics equations in R+xR2, J. Differential Equations 277 (2021), 114-152 (pdf).
  346. (with S. Liang and H. Pu) High perturbations of critical fractional Kirchhoff equations with logarithmic nonlinearity, Applied Math. Letters 116 (2021), 107027 (pdf).
  347. (with C. Ji) Multi-bump solutions for the nonlinear magnetic Schrödinger equation with exponential critical growth in R^2, Manuscripta Mathematica 164 (2021), 509-542 (pdf).
  348. Low and high perturbations of nonhomogeneous eigenvalue problems with absorption, Revue Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. 66 (2021), 223-235 (pdf).
  349. (with X. He) Small linear perturbations of fractional Choquard equations with critical exponent, J. Differential Equations 282 (2021), 481-540 (pdf).
  350. (with M. Zhen and B. Zhang) Normalized solutions for nonlinear coupled fractional systems: low and high perturbations in the attractive case, Discrete Cont. Dynamical Systems 41 (2021), 2653-2676 (pdf).
  351. (with V. Ambrosio and T. Isernia) Concentration of positive solutions for a class of fractional p-Kirchhoff type equations, Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh 151 (2021), 601-651 (pdf).
  352. (with C. Ji) Concentration phenomena for nonlinear magnetic Schrödinger equations with critical growth, Israel J. Math. 241 (2021), 465-500 (pdf).
  353. (with F. Zhou and Z. Shen) Infinitely many radial positive solutions for nonlocal problems with lack of compactness, Electron. J. Qual. Theory Differ. Equ. 2021, No. 33, 1-19 (pdf).
  354. (with A. Bahrouni) Singular double-phase systems with variable growth for the Baouendi-Grushin operator, Discrete Cont. Dynamical Systems 41 (2021), 4283-4296 (pdf).
  355. (with A. Alsaedi and B. Ahmad) Bifurcation analysis for degenerate problems with mixed regime and absorption, Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences 11 (2021), 2050017 (pdf).
  356. (with S. Chen and X. Tang) Normalized solutions of nonautonomous Kirchhoff equations: sub- and super-critical cases, Applied Mathematics and Optimization 84 (2021), 773-806 (pdf).
  357. (with N. Papageorgiou and X. Tang) Anisotropic Robin problems with logistic reaction, Z. Angew. Math. Phys. (2021) 72:94 (pdf).
  358. (with Y. Zhang and X. Tang) High perturbations of Choquard equations with critical reaction and variable growth, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 149 (2021), 3819-3835 (pdf).
  359. (with G. Mingione) Recent developments in problems with nonstandard growth and nonuniform ellipticity, J. Math. Analysis Appl. 501 (2021), 125197 (pdf).
  360. (with M. Xiang and B. Zhang) Nonlocal Kirchhoff problems with singular exponential nonlinearity, Applied Mathematics and Optimization 84 (2021), 915-954 (pdf).
  361. (with F. Gao, M. Yang and Y. Zheng) Standing waves for the pseudo-relativistic Hartree equation with Berestycki-Lions nonlinearity, Journal of Differential Equations 295 (2021), 70-112 (pdf).
  362. (with W. Chen and B. Zhang) Fractional Choquard-Kirchhoff problems with critical nonlinearity and Hardy potential, Analysis and Mathematical Physics (2021) 11:132 (pdf).
  363. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Anisotropic (p,q)-equations with gradient dependent reaction, Nonlinearity 34 (2021), 5319-5343 (pdf).
  364. (with W. Yan) Sobolev regular solutions for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in higher dimensions: asymptotics and representation formulae, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo 70 (2021), 995-1021 (pdf).
  365. (with G. Figueiredo) Positive solutions of the prescribed mean curvature equation with exponential critical growth, Annali Mat. Pura Appl. 200 (2021), 2213-2233 (pdf).
  366. (with A. Aghajani and C. Cowan) Positive supersolutions of fourth-order nonlinear elliptic equations: explicit estimates and Liouville theorems, Journal of Differential Equations 298 (2021), 323-345 (pdf).
  367. (with C. Ji) Multiplicity and concentration of solutions for Kirchhoff equations with magnetic field, Advanced Nonlinear Studies 21 (2021), 501-521 (pdf).
  368. (with A. Bahrouni and P. Winkert) Small perturbations of Robin problems with indefinite potential, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 57 (2021), 663-673 (pdf).
  369. (with C. Ji) Multi-bump solutions for quasilinear elliptic equations with variable exponents and critical growth in RN, Commun. Contemp. Math. 23 (2021), No. 5, 2050013 (pdf).
  370. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Qin) Nonlinear eigenvalue problems for the (p,q)-Laplacian, Bull. Sci. Math. 172 (2021), 103039 (pdf).
  371. (with M. Marin) On some non-existence results in a semilinear theory of the dipolar thermoelastic bodies, Applied Mathematics and Optimization 84 (2021), 1959-1969 (pdf).
  372. (with Y. Zhang and X. Tang) Concentration of solutions for fractional double-phase problems: critical and supercritical cases, Journal of Differential Equations 302 (2021), 139-184 (pdf).
  373. (with A. Bahrouni and D. Repovs) Nonvariational and singular double phase problems for the Baouendi-Grushin operator, Journal of Differential Equations 303 (2021), 645-666 (pdf).
  374. (with Y. Zhang and X. Tang) Anisotropic Choquard problems with Stein-Weiss potential: nonlinear patterns and stationary waves, Comptes Rendus Math matique 359 (2021), no. 8, pp. 959-968 (pdf).
  375. (with C. Ji) Concentration phenomena for magnetic Kirchhoff equations with critical growth, Discrete Cont. Dyn. Syst. 41 (2021), 5551-5577 (pdf).
  376. (with R. Xu, W. Lian, N. Zhao and Y. Yang) Global well-posedness for a class of fourth order nonlinear strongly damped wave equations, Advances in Calculus of Variations 14 (2021), 589-611 (pdf).
  377. (with N. Papageorgiou and F. Onete) Twin positive solutions for resonant singular (p,q)-equations, Special Issue in honor of Alan C. Lazer, Electron. J. Diff. Eqns., Special Issue 01 (2021), 169-182 (pdf).
  378. (with C. Santos, L. Santos and M. Carvalho) Discontinuous perturbations of nonhomogeneous strongly-singular Kirchhoff problems, Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications NoDEA 28 (2021), Article 68 (pdf).
  379. (with C. Alves and P. Garain) High perturbations of quasilinear problems with double criticality, Math. Zeitschrift 299 (2021), 1875-1895 (pdf).
  380. (with N. Papageorgiou and Y. Zhang) Anisotropic singular double phase Dirichlet problems, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S 14 (2021), 4465-4502 (pdf).
  381. (with G. Bonanno and R. Livrea) Non-homogeneous Dirichlet problems with concave-convex reaction, Rendiconti Lincei Matematica e Applicazioni 32 (2021), 819-838 (pdf).
  382. (with Y. Fang and C. Zhang) Regularity of solutions to degenerate fully nonlinear elliptic equations with variable exponent, Bull. London Math. Soc. 53 (2021), 1863-1878 (pdf).
  383. (with N. Papageorgiou and Y. Zhang) Multiple solutions for superlinear double phase Neumann problems, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas RACSAM (2022) 116:14 (pdf).
  384. (with C. Ji) Multi-bump solutions for the nonlinear magnetic Choquard equation with deepening potential well, Journal of Differential Equations 306 (2022), 251-279 (pdf).
  385. (with N. Papageorgiou and Y. Zhang) Resonant double phase equations, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 64 (2022), 103454 (pdf).
  386. (with Y. He and X. Luo) Nodal multi-peak standing waves of fourth-order Schrödinger equations with mixed dispersion, Journal of Geometric Analysis 32 (2022), Article No. 30, 36 pp. (pdf).
  387. (with S. Chen, L. Li and X. Tang) Ground state solutions of the non-autonomous Schrödinger-Bopp-Podolsky system, Analysis and Mathematical Physics 12 (2022), Article No. 17, 32 pp. (pdf).
  388. (with Y. Zhang and X. Tang) Choquard equations with critical reaction and variable growth, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 42 (2022), 1971-2003 (pdf).
  389. (with N. Papageorgiou and Y. Zhang) Ground state nodal solutions for superlinear perturbations of the Robin eigenvalue problem, ZAMP (2022), 73:49 (pdf).
  390. (with N. Papageorgiou and Y. Zhang) Strongly singular double phase problem, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 19 (2022), Art. 82 (pdf).
  391. (with S. Zeng and N. Papageorgiou) Nonsmooth dynamical systems: from the existence of solutions to optimal and feedback control, Bull. Sci. Math. 176 (2022), Paper 103131 (pdf) (citation).
  392. (with M. Yang and X. Zhou) Critical Stein-Weiss elliptic systems: symmetry, regularity and asymptotic properties of solutions, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations (2022), 61:109 (pdf).
  393. (with D. Kumar and K. Sreenadh) Unbalanced fractional elliptic problems with exponential nonlinearity: subcritical and critical cases, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 59 (2022), 277-302 (pdf).
  394. (with W. Yan) The inviscid limit for the incompressible stationary magnetohydrodynamics equations in three dimensions, Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences 12 (2022), Paper 2150006 (pdf).
  395. (with S. Zeng and P. Winkert) Double phase implicit obstacle problems with convection and multivalued mixed boundary value conditions, SIAM Journal of Mathematical Analysis 54 (2022), 1898-1926 (pdf).
  396. (with M. Xiang and B. Zhang) Existence results for singular fractional p-Kirchhoff problems, Acta Mathematica Scientia 42B (2022), 1209-1224 (pdf).
  397. (with D. Goel and K. Sreenadh) Variational framework and Lewy Stampacchia type estimates for nonlocal operators on Heisenberg group, Annales Fennici Mathematici 47 (2022), 707-721 (pdf).
  398. (with Z. Liu, C. Tang and J. Zhang) Another look at planar Schrödinger-Newton systems, Journal of Differential Equations 328 (2022), 65-104-254 (pdf).
  399. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Anisotropic singular Neumann equations with unbalanced growth, Potential Analysis 57 (2022), 55-82 (pdf).
  400. (with C. Ji and Y. Zhang) Multi-bump solutions for the magnetic Schrödinger-Poisson system with critical growth, Electron. J. Qual. Theory Differ. Equ. 2022, No. 21, 1-30 (pdf).
  401. (with L. Wen) Groundstates for magnetic Choquard equations with critical exponential growth, Appl. Math. Letters 132 (2022), 108153 (pdf).
  402. (with S. Zeng and P. Winkert) Double phase obstacle problems with variable exponent, Advances in Differential Equations 9-10 (2022), 611-645 (pdf).
  403. (with L. Shen and M. Yang) Planar Schrödinger-Choquard equations with potentials vanishing at infinity: the critical case, Journal of Differential Equations 329 (2022), 206-254 (pdf).
  404. (with N. Papageorgiou and J. Zhang) Ambrosetti-Prodi problems for the Robin (p,q)-Laplacian, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 67 (2022), 103640 (pdf).
  405. (with L. Jeanjean) Nonhomogeneous quasilinear elliptic problems: linear and sublinear cases, J. d'Analyse Math. 146 (2022), 327-350 (tex) (pdf).
  406. (with Y. Fang, C. Zhang and X. Zhang) Gradient estimates for multi-phase problems in Campanato spaces, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 71 (2022), 1079-1099 (pdf).
  407. (with R. Shen and M. Xiang) Time-space fractional diffusion problems: existence, decay estimates and blow-up of solutions, Milan J. Math. 90 (2022), 103-129 (pdf).
  408. (with J. Zhang and W. Zhang) Double phase problems with competing potentials: concentration and multiplication of ground states, Mathematische Zeitschrift 301 (2022), 4037-4078 (pdf).
  409. (with X. He and W. Zou) Normalized ground states for the critical fractional Choquard equation with a local perturbation, Journal of Geometric Analysis 32 (2022), Paper 252 (pdf).
  410. (with S. Yao, H. Chen and J. Sun) Normalized solutions for lower critical Choquard equations with critical Sobolev perturbation, SIAM Journal of Mathematical Analysis 54 (2022), 3696-3723 (pdf).
  411. (with C. Yang, R. Xu and M. Zhang) Global well-posedness analysis for the nonlinear extensible beam equations in a class of modified Woinowsky-Krieger models, Advanced Nonlinear Studies 22 (2022), 436-468 (pdf).
  412. (with S. Chen, X. Tang and L. Wen) Planar Kirchhoff equations with critical exponential growth and trapping potential, Mathematische Zeitschrift 302 (2022), 1061-1089 (pdf).
  413. (with Z. Liu and Z. Yuan) Concentration of solutions for fractional Kirchhoff equations with discontinuous reaction, ZAMP 211 (2022), Art. 73 (pdf).
  414. (with L. Wen, X. Tang and S. Chen) Ground state solutions of magnetic Schrödinger equations with exponential growth, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 42 (2022), 5783-5815 (pdf).
  415. (with J. Zuo) Normalized solutions to fractionalmass supercritical NLS systems with Sobolev critical nonlinearities, Analysis and Mathematical Physics 12:140 (2022), 20 pp. (pdf).
  416. (with Y. Chen and R. Xu) High energy blowup and blowup time for a class of semilinear parabolic equations with singular potential on manifolds with conical singularities, Communications in Mathematical Sciences 21 (2023), 25-63 (pdf).
  417. (with C. Vetro) Anisotropic Navier Kirchhoff problems with convection and Laplacian dependence, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 46 (2023), 461-478 (pdf).
  418. (with Q. Li, J. Zhang and X. Zhao) Normalized solutions of the autonomous Kirchhoff equation with Sobolev criticalexponent: sub- and super-critical cases, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 151 (2023), 663-678 (pdf).
  419. (with C. Lei and B. Zhang) Low perturbations and combined effects of critical and singular nonlinearities in Kirchhoff problems, Applied Mathematics and Optimization 87 (2023), Paper 9 (pdf).
  420. (with W. Zhang and J. Zhang) Concentrating solutions for singularly perturbed double phase problems with nonlocal reaction, Journal of Differential Equations 347 (2023), 56-103 (pdf).
  421. (with S. Zeng and P. Winkert) Double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection and mixed boundary value conditions, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Ser. B 28 (2023), 999-1023 (pdf).
  422. (with S. Zeng, L. Gasinski and P. Winkert) Anisotropic and isotropic implicit obstacle problems with nonlocal terms and multivalued boundary conditions, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 118C (2023) 106997 (pdf).
  423. (with N.S. Papageorgiou and L. Wen) Strongly singular nonhomogeneous eigenvalue problems, RACSAM 117 (2023), No. 32 (pdf).
  424. (with W. Guan and D. Wang) Bound states of fractional Choquard equations with Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev critical exponent, Journal of Differential Equations 355 (2023), 219-247 (pdf).
  425. (with S. Zeng and Y. Bai) Inverse problems for anisotropic obstacle problems with multivalued convection and unbalanced growth, Evolution Equations and Control Theory 12 (2023), 790-822 (pdf).
  426. (with A. Bahrouni and H. Missaoui) Infinitely many smooth nodal solutions for Orlicz Robin problems, Applied Mathematics Letters 142 (2023), Article 108635 (pdf).
  427. (with Z. Liu and J. Zhang) A planar Schrödinger-Newton system with Trudinger-Moser critical growth, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 62 (2023), Article 122 (2023) (pdf).
  428. (with G. dos Santos and L. Tavares) Nonhomogeneous multiparameter problems in Orlicz-Sobolev spaces, Mathematische Nachrichten 296 (2023), 2555-2574 (pdf).
  429. (with S. Zeng, Y. Bai and N. Papageorgiou) Double phase implicit obstacle problems with convection term and multivalued operator, Analysis and Applications 21 (2023), 1013-1038 (pdf).
  430. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Repovs) Global multiplicity for parametric anisotropic Neumann (p,q)-equations, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 61 (2023), 393-422 (pdf).
  431. (with A. Aghajani) Positive supersolutions of non-autonomous quasilinear elliptic equations with mixed reaction, Annales de l'Institut Fourier 73 (2023), 2543-2566. (pdf).
  432. (with N. Papageorgiou and J. Zhang) Sequences of high and low energy solutions for weighted (p,q)-equations, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Ser. S 16 (2023), 1610-1628 (pdf).
  433. (with Y. Pang and R. Xu) Global existence and finite time blow-up for the m-Laplacian parabolic problem, Acta Mathematica Sinica 39 (2023), 1497-1524 (pdf).
  434. (with B. Zhang and M. Zhen) Multi-peak solutions for coupled nonlinear Schrödinger systems in low dimensions, Applied Mathematics and Optimization 88 (2023), Article 88 (pdf).
  435. (with N. Papageorgiou and A. Pudelko) Non-autonomous (p,q)-equations with unbalanced growth, Mathematische Annalen 385 (2023), 1707-1745 (pdf).
  436. (with X. Chang, R. Wang and D. Yan) Convergence of least energy sign-changing solutions for logarithmic Schrödinger equations on locally finite graphs, Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 125 (2023), Paper 107418 (pdf).
  437. (with L. Cai and N. Papageorgiou) Multiple and nodal solutions for parametric Dirichlet equations driven by the double phase differential operator, Complex Anal. Oper. Theory 17 (2023), Paper 62 (pdf).
  438. (with J. Diblik, M. Galewski and Z. Smarda) Multiplicity of solutions for nonlinear coercive problems, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 528 (2023), Paper 127473 (pdf).
  439. (with C. Li and and B. Zhang) Groundstates of the Schrödinger-Poisson-Slater equation with critical growth, Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fis. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSAM 117 (2023), Paper 128 (pdf).
  440. (with X. Luo and M. Zhen) Standing waves with prescribed norm for the coupled Hartree-Fock system, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 43 (2023), 3131-3167 (pdf).
  441. (with T. Huo and L. Li) Existence and concentration properties for the 1-biharmonic equation with lack of compactness, Bull. Sci. Math. 186 (2023), Paper 103275 (pdf).
  442. (with Y. Liu, B. Moon, R. Xu and C. Zhang) Qualitative properties of solution to a viscoelastic Kirchhoff-like plate equation, J. Math. Phys. 64 (2023), Paper 051511 (pdf).
  443. (with N. Papageorgiou and W. Zhang) Global existence and multiplicity for nonlinear Robin eigenvalue problems, Results Math. 78 (2023), Paper 133 (pdf).
  444. (with S. Zeng, Y. Bai and P. Winkert) An inverse problem for a double phase implicit obstacle problem with multivalued terms, ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var. 29 (2023), Paper 30 (pdf).
  445. (with N. Papageorgiou and Y. Wang) Constant sign and nodal solutions for resonant double phase problems, Annales Fennici Mathematici 48 (2023), 457-477 (pdf).
  446. (with S. Yuan, S. Chen and L. Wen) Fractional Choquard logarithmic equations with Stein-Weiss potential, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 526 (2023), Paper 127214 (pdf).
  447. (with G. Bonanno and A. Chinni) Existence of two non-zero weak solutions for a p(.)-biharmonic problem with Navier boundary conditions, Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl. 34 (2023), 727-743 (pdf).
  448. (with N.S. Papageorgiou and X. Sun) Indefinite perturbations of the eigenvalue problem for the nonautonomous p-Laplacian, Milan J. Math. 91 (2023), 353-373 (pdf).
  449. (with W. Ye, F. Gao and M. Yang) Construction of infinitely many solutions for two-component Bose-Einstein condensates with nonlocal critical interaction, Journal of Differential Equations 375 (2023), 415-474 (pdf).
  450. (with S. Chen, X. Tang and S. Yuan) Normalized solutions for Schrödinger equations with critical exponential growth in R2, SIAM J. Math. Analysis 55 (2023), 7704-7740 (pdf).
  451. (with V.T. Nguyen) Multiplicity and concentration of solutions to fractional anisotropic Schrödinger equations with exponential growth, Manuscripta Mathematica 173 (2024), 499-554 (pdf).
  452. (with Q. Li and W. Zhang) Normalized ground states for the Sobolev critical Schrödinger equation with at least mass critical growth, Nonlinearity 37 (2024), Paper 025018, 28 pp. (pdf).
  453. (with J. Zuo and J. Honda Lopes) Long-time behavior for the Kirchhoff diffusion problem with magnetic fractional Laplace operator, Applied Mathematics Letters 150 (2024), 108977 (pdf).
  454. (with L. Cai) Normalized solutions for (p,q)-Laplacian equations with mass supercritical growth, Journal of Differential Equations 391 (2024), 57-104 (pdf).
  455. (with Y. Fang and C. Zhang) Equivalence of weak and viscosity solutions for the nonhomogeneous double phase equation, Mathematische Annalen 388 (2024), 2519-2559 (pdf).
  456. (with P. Winkert and S. Zeng) Nonlocal double phase implicit obstacle problems with multivalued boundary conditions, SIAM J. Math. Analysis 56 (2024), 877-912 (pdf).
  457. (with S. Chen and X. Tang) Multiple normalized solutions for the planar Schrödinger-Poisson system with critical exponential growth, Math. Zeitschrift 306 (2024), Paper 50 (pdf).
  458. (with S. Yuan, X. Tang and L. Zhang) Concentrating solutions for singularly perturbed fractional (N/s)-Laplacian equations with nonlocal reaction, Forum Mathematicum 36 (2024), 783-810 (pdf).
  459. (with X. Dou and X. He) Multiplicity of positive solutions for the fractional Schrödinger-Poisson system with critical nonlocal term, Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences 14 (2024), 2350012 (pdf).
  460. (with J. Zhang, M. Yang and J. Zhou) Global existence and blow-up solutions for a parabolic equation with critical nonlocal interactions, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations (2024) (pdf).
  461. (with Z. Liu and J. Zhang) Groundstates of the planar Schrödinger-Poisson system with potential well and lack of symmetry, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics 154 (2024), 993-1023 (pdf).
  462. (with V.T. Nguyen) Multiple normalized solutions for fractional elliptic problems, Forum Mathematicum 36 (2024), 1225-1248 (pdf).
  463. (with V. Ambrosio) Multiplicity of concentrating solutions for (p,q)-Schrödinger equations with lack of compactness, Israel Journal of Mathematics 262 (2024), 399-447 (pdf).
  464. (with J. Zuo and W. Zhang) Multiplicity and concentration properties for (p,q)-Kirchhoff non-autonomous problems with Choquard nonlinearity, Bull. Sci. Math. 191 (2024), Paper 103398 (pdf).
  465. (with T. Gou) Non-autonomous double phase eigenvalue problems with indefinite weight and lack of compactness, Bull. London Math. Soc. 56 (2024), 734-755 (pdf).
  466. (with R. Arora) Combined effects in mixed local-nonlocal stationary problems, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics (2024) (pdf).
  467. (with N.S. Papageorgiou and S. Yuan) Nonautonomous double-phase equations with strong singularity and concave perturbation, Bull. London Math. Soc. 56 (2024), 1245-1262 (pdf).
  468. (with S. Baraket, B. Dridi and R. Jaidane) Ground states of weighted 4D biharmonic equations with exponential growth, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 47 (2024), 5007-5030 (pdf).
  469. (with S. Rawat and K. Sreenadh) Planar Choquard equations with critical exponential reaction and Neumann boundary condition, Mathematische Nachrichten (2024), in press (DOI: 10.1002/mana.202400095) (pdf).
  470. (with N.S. Papageorgiou and X. Sun), Positive solutions for nonparametric anisotropic singular solutions, Opuscula Math. 44 (2024), 409-423 (pdf).
  471. (with Y. Li and B. Zhang), Critical planar Schrödinger-Poisson equations: existence, multiplicity and concentration, Math. Z. 307 (2024), Paper 43, 25 pp. (pdf).
  472. (with W. Zhang and J. Zuo), Concentration of solutions for non-autonomous double-phase problems with lack of compactness, Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 75 (2024), Paper 148, 30 pp. (pdf).
  473. (with N.S. Papageorgiou), Some useful tools in the study of nonlinear elliptic problems, Expositiones Mathematicae 42 (2024), Paper 125616 (pdf).
  474. (with L. Shen), Concentration of ground state solutions for supercritical zero-mass (N,q)-equations with Choquard reaction, Math. Z. 308 (2024), Paper 66 (pdf).
  475. (with S. Chen, X. Tang and L. Wen), Planar Schrödinger equations with critical exponential growth, Calc. Var. PDE (2024), 63:243 (pdf).
  476. (with S. Chen, D. Qin and X. Tang), Ground states for quasilinear equations of N-Laplacian type with critical exponential growth and lack of compactness, Science China Mathematics (2024), 67 (pdf).
  477. (with N. Papageorgiou and X. Sun), Double phase eigenvalue problems with an indefinite perturbation, Rend. Istit. Mat. Univ. Trieste (2025), in press (pdf).
  478. (with A. Bahrouni and H. Missaoui), Nodal solutions for the nonlinear Robin problem in Orlicz spaces, Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl. 81 (2025), Paper 104186 (pdf).
  479. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Qin), Singular non-autonomous (p,q)-equations with competing nonlinearities, Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl. 81 (2025), Paper 104225 (pdf).
  480. (with W. Zhang and J. Zhang), Semiclassical states for the pseudo-relativistic Schrödinger equation with competing potentials, Comm. Math. Sci. 23 (2025), 465-507 (pdf).
  481. (with J. Sun, J. Zhang and T. Wu), Choquard equations with saturable reaction, Calc. Var. PDE 64 (2025), Paper 61 (pdf).
  482. (with Y. Zhang, J. Chen and D. Qin), Concentration and multiplicity of solutions for fractional double phase problems, Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh (2025), in press (pdf).
  483. (with N. Papageorgiou and D. Qin), Positive solutions for resonant singular non-autonomous (p,q)-equations, Discrete Cont. Dynamical Systems, Ser. B (2025), in press (pdf).
  484. (with N. T. Gou), Uniqueness of positive solutions to fractional nonlinear elliptic equations with harmonic potential, Comptes Rendus Math. (2025), in press (pdf).
  485. (with A. Aghajani and J. Kinnunen), Nonexistence results and integral estimates for some higher order nonlinear elliptic problems, J. Differential Equations 424 (2025), 183-207 (pdf).
  486. (with N. Papageorgiou and W. Zhang), Multiple solutions with sign information for double phase problems with unbalanced growth, Bull. London Math. Soc. (2025), in press (pdf).

Publications in Refereed Conference Proceedings

  1. Variational aspects of generalized eigenvalue and eigenvector problems, Proceedings of the National Colloquium on Probability Theory and Operational Research (Craiova, 1982), 164-167, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, 1982.
  2. Hemivariational inequalities associated to multivalued problems with strong resonance, in Nonsmooth/Nonconvex Mechanics: Modeling, Analysis and Numerical Methods, dedicated to the memory of Professor P.D. Panagiotopoulos, (D.Y. Gao, R.W. Ogden, G.E. Stavroulakis, Eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000, pp. 333-348.
  3. Perturbations of eigenvalue problems with constraints for hemivariational inequalities, From Convexity to Nonconvexity, volume dedicated to the memory of Prof. G. Fichera, Nonconvex Optimiz. Appl., 55, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 2001 (R.P. Gilbert, P. Pardalos, Eds.), pp. 243-253.
  4. Perturbations of symmetric hemivariational inequalities, in Nonsmooth/Nonconvex Mechanics with Applications in Engineering, International Conference In Memoriam of Professor P.D. Panagiotopoulos, Thessaloniki, 5-6 July, 2002, Editions Ziti, Thessaloniki, 2002 (C.C. Baniotopoulos, Ed.), pp. 61-72.
  5. Asymptotics of minimizers and pinning of vortices for a variational problem with discontinuous weight related to superconductivity, in Proceedings of the National Conference on Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Timisoara 12-13 December 2000, Timisoara University Press, 2003 (M. Megan, N. Suciu, Eds.), pp. 337-356.
  6. (with M. Iosifescu and M. Sofonea), Editorial [Actes du 6-ème Colloque Franco-Roumain de Math matiques Appliqu es], Proceedings of the Sixth Franco-Romanian Colloquium on Applied Mathematics, Held in Perpignan, September 2-6, 2002, An. Univ. Craiova Ser. Mat. Inform. 30 (2003), no. 1, p. 1.
  7. On a spectral variational problem arising in the study of earthquakes. Multiplicity and perturbation from symmetry, in Control and Boundary Analysis, Proceedings of the 21st IFIP Conference on System Modeling and Optimization, Sophia Antipolis, France, July 21-25, 2003 (J. Cagnol, J.-P. Zolesio, Eds.), Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics Series, 240, Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 2005, pp. 191-202 (pdf).
  8. (with M. Iosifescu), Pr ambule [Actes du 7-ème Colloque Franco-Roumain de Math matiques Appliqu es], Proceedings of the Seventh Franco-Romanian Colloquium on Applied Mathematics, Held in Craiova, August 30 - September 3, 2004, An. Univ. Craiova Ser. Mat. Inform. 32 (2005), p. 1.
  9. Bifurcation and asymptotics for elliptic problems with singular nonlinearity, in Studies in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations: In Honor of Haim Brezis, Fifth European Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Problems: A special tribute to the work of Haim Brezis, Gaeta, Italy, May 30 - June 3, 2004 (C. Bandle, H. Berestycki, B. Brighi, A. Brillard, M. Chipot, J.-M. Coron, C. Sbordone, I. Shafrir, V. Valente, G. Vergara Caffarelli, Eds.), Birkh user, 2005, pp. 349-362 (pdf).
  10. (with M. Ghergu), Singular elliptic problems with convection term in anisotropic media, in Mathematical Analysis and Applications: International Conference on Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Craiova (Romania), 23-24 September 2005, AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 835 (C. Niculescu and V. Radulescu, Editors), American Institute of Physics, 2006, pp. 74-89 (pdf).
  11. Comparison principles and applications to nonlinear elliptic equations, in Critical Point Theory and Its Applications, Casa Cartii de Stiinta, Cluj-Napoca, 2007, pp. 17-52.
  12. (with M. Ghergu), On the influence of a subquadratic convection term in singular elliptic problems, in Applied Analysis and Differential Equations, (O. Carja, I. Vrabie, Eds.), World Scientific, 2007, pp. 127-138 (pdf).
  13. Combined effects of singular nonlinearities and potentials in elliptic equations, Bull. St. Univ. Pitesti 14 (2008), 95-112 (pdf).
  14. (with M. Ghergu), The influence of the distance function in some singular elliptic problems, in Potential Theory and Stochastics in Albac. Aurel Cornea Memorial Volume, Albac, September 4-8, 2007 (D. Bakry, L. Beznea, N. Boboc, M. R ckner, Eds.), Theta Series in Advanced Mathematics, vol. 11, Bucharest, 2009, pp. 125-138 (tex) (pdf).
  15. (with Yu. Alkhutov, S. Antontsev, R. Gilbert, and A. Pankov) Preface, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 56 (2011), 543-544.
  16. (with G. Da Prato) Foreword: Special Issue on Stochastic PDEs in Fluid Dynamics, Particle Physics and Statistical Mechanics, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 384 (2011), p.1.
  17. (with G. Bonanno and G. Molica Bisci) A note on elliptic equations involving the critical Sobolev exponent, in Differential and Difference Equations with Applications, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics, 47, pp. 311-319 (tex) (pdf).
  18. (with P. Pucci and H. Weinberger) Foreword, in Selected Papers of James Serrin, 2 volumes, 1718 pages, Contemporary Mathematicians, Birkh user, Basel, 2014.
  19. Editorial: Special Issue "Degenerate and Singular Phenomena in Nonlinear Analysis", Nonlinear Analysis, 119 (2015), 1-2 (pdf).
  20. (with T.-L. Radulescu) A 21st century mathematical renaissance, I, Mathematician II (P. Casazza, S. Krantz, R. Ruden, Eds.), The Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications, USA, 2016, pp. 155-164 (pdf).
  21. (with M. Squassina) A festschrift in honor of Professor Patrizia Pucci's 65th birthday, Advances in Nonlinear Analysis 6 (2017), 95-98.
  22. H. Beirao da Veiga, M. Ghergu, A. Valli: Professor Vicentiu D. Radulescu celebrates his sixtieth anniversary, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series S, 12 (2019), i-iv (pdf).
  23. (with M. Rosiu) Boundary value problems on Klein surfaces, in Handbook of Complex Analysis (S. Krantz, Ed.), Taylor and Francis, in press (tex) (pdf).
  24. (with P. Pucci) Progress in Nonlinear Kirchhoff Problems, Nonlinear Analysis 186 (2019), 1-5.
  25. Editorial to Volume 10 of ANA, Advances in Nonlinear Analysis 10 (2020), 1 (pdf).
  26. (with S. Krantz) Perspectives of Geometric Analysis in PDEs, Journal of Geometric Analysis (2020) 30:1411 (pdf).
  27. (with G. Mingione) Editorial, J. Math. Analysis Appl. 501 (2021), 125196 (pdf).
  28. C. Ji and B. Zhang, Preface [Issue on new trends in nonlinear PDEs: dedicated to Professor Vicentiu D. Radulescu, on the occasion of his 65th birthday], Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. S 16 (2023), no. 11 (pdf).

Publications in Unrefereed Volumes

  1. On the properties of spaces endowed with Riesz vector norms, in Spatii Liniare Ordonate Topologice, No. 11, University of Bucharest, 1990, 102-103.
  2. Sur la théorie de Lusternik-Schnirelman en dimension finie, Matarom, Laboratoire d'Analyse Numérique, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), No. 2 (juin 1992), 9-17.
  3. Weak solutions for a class of multivalued elliptic problems, in Spatii Liniare Ordonate Topologice, No. 14, University of Bucharest, 1993, 83-84.
  4. (with P. Mironescu) Nonlinear Sturm-Liouville type problems with a finite number of solutions, Matarom, Laboratoire d'Analyse Num rique, Universit Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), No. 3 (juillet 1993), 54-67.
  5. (with C. Niculescu) Problems at resonance via critical point theorems for non-smooth functionals, T bingen Berichte z r Funktionanalysis, Heft 3, Jahrgang 93/94, 169-183.
  6. (with M. Iosifescu) Septième Colloque franco-roumain de mathématiques appliquées, Gazette des Mathématiciens, No. 103 (janvier 2005), 57-58 [see also Matapli, No. 76 (mars 2005), 47-48].
  7. (with T.-L. Radulescu) New trends of the mathematical education in Europe, in Educatie-Identitate in Procesul Integrarii Romaniei in Uniunea Europeana, Editura Academiei, Bucuresti, 2008, pp. 86-95.

Proposed Problems

  1. A Limit Problem, Proposed problem No. 11024, American Mathematical Monthly 6/110 (2003) (solution) (AMMsolution).
  2. An Example with Periodic Orbits, Proposed problem No. 11073, American Mathematical Monthly 3/111 (2004) (pdf) (AMMsolution).
  3. Periodic Solution of a Differential Equation, Proposed problem No. 11104, American Mathematical Monthly 8/111 (2004) (pdf) (AMMsolution).
  4. Exponential Growth of a Solution, Proposed problem No. 11137, American Mathematical Monthly 2/112 (2005) (pdf) (AMMsolution).
  5. Proposed problem No. 2005-1, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (Problem Section, click here).
  6. Ginzburg-Landau Energy, Proposed problem No. 11167, American Mathematical Monthly 7/112 (2005) (pdf) (AMMsolution).
  7. Proposed problem No. 1224, Elemente der Mathematik 4/60 (2005) (pdf) (EMsolution).
  8. Signed Series Terms, Proposed problem No. 11304, American Mathematical Monthly 6/114 (2007) (tex) (solution) (AMMsolution).
  9. Proposed problem No. 1270, Elemente der Mathematik, Elemente der Mathematik 4/63 (2008) (tex) (pdf).
  10. A Cauchy-Schwarz Puzzle, Proposed problem No. 11458, American Mathematical Monthly 8/116 (2009) (pdf) (AMMsolution).
  11. Proposed problem No. 2010-1, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (Problem Section).
  12. A Prime Multiple of the Identity Matrix, Proposed problem No. 11532, American Mathematical Monthly 9/117 (2010) (AMMsolution).
  13. Gamma and Beta Inequalities, Proposed problem No. 11542, American Mathematical Monthly 10/117 (2010) (AMMsolution).
  14. Proposed problem No. 2011-1, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (Problem Section).
  15. Proposed problem No. 2011-3, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (Problem Section).
  16. Proposed problem 11799, American Mathematical Monthly 8/121 (2014) (AMMsolution).

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